Setting Eggs 4/17! Who's With Me?


11 Years
Apr 26, 2009
I'm setting eggs either 4/16 or 4/17 (more than likely it'll be the 17th). I'll be setting hopefully around 24 (at least) barnyard mix eggs. Breeds include cochin bantam, frizzle cochin bantam, mille fleur d'uccle, sex link, barred rock, americana, light brama bantam, and possibly a few others I may have forgotten.

So the possible hatch date will be 5/8. Who's in?
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ME ME ME ALSO....I will be starting guineas eggs around that time ...maybe the 17, 18, or 18 ....waiting for 42 eggs. Guineas take 28 days which is longer than chickens, I think!

"Believe: No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an
uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit." - Helen
Oh-- Pick pick-- Pick me!

Hee hee.. I'm so glad to see others here are setting too.

I won a egg auction.. then went for one more auction.. then one more... uh oh.

Silkies @ 12 + eggs from - Non standard colors

Cochins @ 12 + eggs from black and white

Silkie Cochins @ 6+ eggs from the Barred & Black silkie

This will be such an interesting hatch. I am warming up the Hova-Bator 1620 today!

What is everyone else hatching?

Good hatching rates to us all!

Your friend in chicken obsession.

- Sara

P.S. Random admission (my diapered Partridge Silkie -winnie- slept on my bed post last night.)
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I'm setting eggs this weekend too! got 12 cochins today from Fay at Frizzled Feathers (this was an auction for 8+) can't believe she sent me 12 still!

and waiting for 6+ wyandottes from Danny39 ...hopefully they'll come tomorrow! (i won this auction a day sooner... go figure the woman sent out the eggs quicker than the man and from twice as far away. and men wonder why they get a bad rap! lol)

anyways.... excited!
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Ooooo! Isn't it exciting? Is anyone else setting eggs for the first time? Who are the newbies? Who are the old hats at this?

I think my head is going to explode I'm so excited...
Yay, more hatch buddies!!
This will be my second hatch. I'm hoping to get a better hatch rate than the first. I think I got 7 out of 22 eggs or something. This time I hope to set at least 30 eggs. My coworker is going to bring in some of her eggs for me to hatch for her as well! She's got a Buff Orp roo and red and black sex link hens.
I am a newbie still but this is my second hatch! I REALLY don't want to mess these babies! I am so excited about this bunch..all Delaware Blue Hens! 24 Blue Hens and a few of my mixes in there too!

I just hatched out 18 of aggieterpkatie's babies last weekend...can't wait to see you on Sunday Katie!!!

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