Setting eggs 4-3-14

I pulled eggs from under my broody hen and checked on the fertile ones. All my hens are full sized breeds laying large to extra large eggs. However, I could only find 4 of the 5 silkie eggs under her. Any idea how this could happen?

Side note: I taped a bent toe on a young silkie yesterday evening and put it in a separate brooder. It was peeping loudly. This morning it was dead. Any ideas on what went wrong?
Let me know if u decide to give in
Candeled a few--was really excited to see cream legbars and American Bresse developing. I candeled 5, saw 4 growing and quit--I just did not want to find non-growers. Im doing a serious candeling Tues evening. I have a very high powered Eagle-Tek and can always see "what's cooking" at 5 days. What did you find?
I pulled eggs from under my broody hen and checked on the fertile ones. All my hens are full sized breeds laying large to extra large eggs. However, I could only find 4 of the 5 silkie eggs under her. Any idea how this could happen?

Side note: I taped a bent toe on a young silkie yesterday evening and put it in a separate brooder. It was peeping loudly. This morning it was dead. Any ideas on what went wrong?
I would say "failure to thrive" I've had a couple of silkies that peeped constantly and they die within 2 days. So sorry for your loss. As for the egg, the hen may have tossed it out somewhere? I really don't know.
Yep I got mine from juststruttin. I have 9 Cl from her and 5 BBS orphingtons. When I looked this am I saw great development in 7 of my 9 CL. Could barely see a few veins in 1 orphinton eggs, the others are to dark to see in. I also have 12 wheaten AM eggs from lark rise of which I saw really nice development including a heartbeat in 8 of them. 2 were to dark to see and 2 I don't think are doing anything but I will leave them in a whole longer and see. Lastly I have 5 marans from lark rise. I pulled 1 this am because everything was rolling around and it looked really foamy inside. Great to hear that you are getting some development too.
Yep I got mine from juststruttin. I have 9 Cl from her and 5 BBS orphingtons. When I looked this am I saw great development in 7 of my 9 CL. Could barely see a few veins in 1 orphinton eggs, the others are to dark to see in. I also have 12 wheaten AM eggs from lark rise of which I saw really nice development including a heartbeat in 8 of them. 2 were to dark to see and 2 I don't think are doing anything but I will leave them in a whole longer and see. Lastly I have 5 marans from lark rise. I pulled 1 this am because everything was rolling around and it looked really foamy inside. Great to hear that you are getting some development too.
Thanks. I'm kinda disappointed as she was over a week old, but was having trouble walking due to the toe. She was also the only silkie to hatch.

I didn't find shell remains or yolk residue in the nest and it is a nest box with five inch sides. Very odd.
Thanks. I'm kinda disappointed as she was over a week old, but was having trouble walking due to the toe. She was also the only silkie to hatch.

I didn't find shell remains or yolk residue in the nest and it is a nest box with five inch sides. Very odd.
It is odd, and I'm also sorry you lost the little silkie. I've had 2 in the past three years that were "cheepers" They seem malcontent, don't eat or drink, just cheep. It's kinda funny -- I've hatched out hundreds of birds but only those 2 silkies were cheepers. It's a bad sign. Mine did not have toe issues but when they constantly cheep I know its curtains for them. Maybe you can incubate some silkie eggs you get from someone.?!
Tumbleweed, I found some silkie eggs about 1 1/2 hrs from my place. Four are under my broody hen and 13 in my classroom incubator. :)

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