Setting eggs 4-3-14


8 Years
Jan 25, 2014
Northern California
I will be setting eggs tomorrow. Was hoping there was someone in the same situation to hatch with me. This will be my first really attempt as the last time I used a very poorly made homemade incubator and got..... Surprise surprise a 0%hatch. I have 8 cream legbar egg and 6 BBS orphingtons eggs currently in my possession. I have 12 wheaten ameraucanas and 5 copper marans waiting for me at the post office today.
Well I checked my email, the breed list the lady gave me was shorter than I thought. Black Copper Marans, Plymouth Barred Rocks and Silver Laced Wyandottes. I know she had more kinds of hens but at least I know which ones the chocolaty colored eggs probably are, LOL.
  With only ten eggs I am amazed at what everyone else is hatching. Not only the amount but the varieties. I just might have to look into getting a bigger incubator. This is going to be one very interesting thread!

I adore Marans and b Rocks. Sounds like a new incubator or a long hatching season is in your future
I am going to wash my hands really well, and weigh my egg trays right now.

I am doing the weight method to check humidity, geat page here:

I will be back in about 10, and tell you if I can tell anything.
If you have the hens doing all of the work, then there isn't anything for you to do.... At least not really.

I have read that there is the rare broody hen that pecks her hatching chicks to death.. Rare, but it happens. I would try to be there when they hatch, just to make sure everything is going smoothly.

The other things to watch for:

- sometimes an inexperienced broody will get off of the nest after a few have hatched, and not wait for the rest to hatch.

- if she is up in a box, off of the ground, you need to make sure that the chicks don't fall down or get caught somehow.

- if she is brooding in the coop, sometimes after the chicks hatch, the hen will decide it is time to start sleeping up on the perch, but the chicks can't follow her up there yet, so get chilled.

However, since tomorrow is day 21, I wouldn't do anything right now, that might bother her. Just check on her off and on tomorrow if you can.
I will be setting eggs tomorrow. Was hoping there was someone in the same situation to hatch with me. This will be my first really attempt as the last time I used a very poorly made homemade incubator and got..... Surprise surprise a 0%hatch. I have 8 cream legbar egg and 6 BBS orphingtons eggs currently in my possession. I have 12 wheaten ameraucanas and 5 copper marans waiting for me at the post office today.
Several of us are on our 1st or 2nd hatch, you can find out thread under incubating and hatching eggs! We post lots photos and videos too! Good luck to you! What kind of incubator did you get?
I will be setting eggs tomorrow. Was hoping there was someone in the same situation to hatch with me. This will be my first really attempt as the last time I used a very poorly made homemade incubator and got..... Surprise surprise a 0%hatch. I have 8 cream legbar egg and 6 BBS orphingtons eggs currently in my possession. I have 12 wheaten ameraucanas and 5 copper marans waiting for me at the post office today.
I'll join you--I am setting 14 Barred Rocks, 6 Cream Legbars, and 6 American Bresse. They are resting now and will go in incubator at 10 am tomorrow. My 100th hatch, I believe LOL
I will be glad to have all of your experiences to hopefully help make this a successful hatch. I got a little giant still air with the auto turner which as I have read can be temperamental. I got the temp adjusted a week ago then marked my spot on the dial and turned it off. I turned it back on on Monday and have only had to make a few fine adjustments to get the temp to settle pretty consistently at 100 degrees. I have the incubator in the closet in my spare room which never gets used so the temp is relatively stable. I'm going to use the dry incubation method and my humidity is running about 30% without intervention.
On a side note my first set of eggs for this hatch came from juststruttin and the second from lark rise. These sellers packed their eggs extremely well. I had no damaged eggs or air cells from the juststruttin batch( those only came from 3 hours away) out of 14 eggs. And I had only 2 loose air cells and one hairline crack out of 20 from the lark rise batch and those traveled across the country. Thank you to some awesome sellers I think you have greatly improved my chances.
I got half my eggs from just stritting too! She did a nice job. I also do dry incubation. I have 6 mini echo brinseas with turners. I had a LG once but as you know they can be tempremental but fine with close monitoring. I have also bought from Lark Rise. She is good. It was a few uears ago. Stay in touch. What time are you setting eggs tomorrow. I am at 10 am

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