Setting eggs 4-3-14

I like to keep my humidity around 65-70% Otherwise I worry it's too humid. I've had mine spike like that too and chicks were fine. I'm still so very new so really don't have a lot of results one way or the other behind me. I've read so many different things about what everything should be, some of them scare you to death making you think you've done everything wrong. Research some more and go with what you think is best, trial and error are your learning tools here along with experience from others. I've been grateful to those who offered me advice and condolences and helped my guilt to subside when things went wrong. They also gave me the courage to try again after learning from my mistakes.
Tonight is the end of day 11, I'm pretty sure I have three quitters, two of those were very tiny eggs so not really surprised. Daughter won't let me take them out yet and since I don't smell anything or see anything on the shells I'm leaving them alone. One egg shows no signs of growth or even veining, the two small ones are more recent and one of those I'm just not positive on. That leaves 6 eggs that I know are good and showing signs of growth, veining, movement and air pockets slowly enlarging.
I've noticed that if I don't keep a small amount of water in there, the temps start to spike(dry hatching). So every other day I'm adding a small amount of water to keep everything okey dokey. Being my second hatch I think I'm doing pretty good and can't wait for lockdown and the impending peeps. I know one of my Chihuahuas is going to love having chicks in the house again. The last ones we had here he would check on them with me and when they went to their permanent homes you could tell he missed them. His reaction when I watch hatching chicks on you tube is hysterical.
What's everyone elses clutches looking like?
Today was the first day I actually sat down, numbered all eggs, candled ALL eggs, and wrote down what
I found. There are only a few clears, a few that are maybe early quitters, or slow growers, and the rest look very good. One clear looked like it might want to turn into an exploder (some tiny ooze on shell) so I tossed that one, but I kept all of the rest.

This is my first time doing humidity based on weight.....and I am NOT pleased. I think that living in the land of no information was a much better place.

Now that I KNOW, exactly how much my eggs are loosing, and since they are loosing a bit more than they "should" I am a bit annoyed. I have been increasing the humidity, today I got it up to 45%, which I think is a bit high (last spring I did a dry hatch), but I can't wait to see what the loss in weight is over night.

Anyway...definitely a learning experience.
Ok so I officially have 8 cream legbars, 9 wheaten AMs, 4 orphingtons, and 1 copper maran still looking great. I only know that because I can't leave my hands off the darn eggs. I'm totally addicted to candling them although I have held off the withdrawal symptoms by doing it just once a day. I'm pretty sure lock down is going to kill me though.
Ok so I officially have 8 cream legbars, 9 wheaten AMs, 4 orphingtons, and 1 copper maran still looking great. I only know that because I can't leave my hands off the darn eggs. I'm totally addicted to candling them although I have held off the withdrawal symptoms by doing it just once a day. I'm pretty sure lock down is going to kill me though.

I am the same way! I just WANT TO KNOW!!!!

During hatch I literally have to keep reading the assisted hatch article to help me sit on my hands.

Also, I am SUPER wishing I had wheaten Ams! Bantams though. You have some great breeds there! You need one white egg layer though, for contrast! :lol:

Anyway, my first two sets of eggs are looking good. My third set arrived today, all in good shape (well, not cracked, but a couple air cells are bubbled), I will put those in tonight.
Hello all! I am joining in kind of late. I set 24 eggs on 4/3 and am on day 16. Daddy was a Cream Legbar and the hens were Cream Legbars and Aracaunas. This is our first time incubating and will be (if all goes as planned) our first time having chickies period. I candled the eggs at day 4 and could see veining in 12. 2 seemed to be infertile, but I left them in. The other 10 were hard to see into. At day 8 I candled again and found a quitter and the two that I had previously thought were infertile definitely were. I ditched those three eggs and was left with 21. I then candled again at day 14. This time I was able to see the air cells in the eggs that had been too dark to really see into before. I can't tell much else in most of these eggs though as there is just a big dark spot and the nice air cell. 17 eggs look promising, 2 others appear to have died as the dark spot was much smaller in those and then two more seemed fairly clear so I think they are out. There is no odor and I wasn't 100% sure so I have left them all in for now. I'll recheck before lockdown.
Hello all! I am joining in kind of late. I set 24 eggs on 4/3 and am on day 16. Daddy was a Cream Legbar and the hens  were Cream Legbars and Aracaunas. This is our first time incubating and will be (if all goes as planned) our first time having chickies period. I candled the eggs at day 4 and could see veining in 12. 2 seemed to be infertile, but I left them in. The other 10 were hard to see into. At day 8 I candled again and found a quitter and the two that I had previously thought were infertile definitely were. I ditched those three eggs and was left with 21. I then candled again at day 14. This time I was able to see the air cells in the eggs that had been too dark to really see into before. I can't tell much else in most of these eggs though as there is just a big dark spot and the nice air cell. 17 eggs look promising, 2 others appear to have died as the dark spot was much smaller in those and then two more seemed fairly clear so I think they are out. There is no odor and I wasn't 100% sure so I have left them all in for now. I'll recheck before lockdown.

Could you see movement in any of the eggs. I could see definite movement in all my cream legbars at day 14
I didn't notice movement, but I don't have the best flashlight for candling either. I could see healthy looking air cells and the rest of the eggs were really dark. On day 8 they were bouncing about like crazy though.
OK, psycho person that I am, my third set of eggs arrived yesterday, as I was putting the eggs, THAT HAD ARRIVED IN PERFECT SHAPE, into the incubator, I broke one... Totally stupid/butterfingers on my part. :rolleyes:

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