Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

I drew question marks on eggs that I couldn't see movement tonight (when candling) One of those with the question mark just moved in the incubator!
Yes, I'm not in the privileged incubating crowd lol work work work! Tis okay, I have learned a lot! I'm planning on building a cabinet style incubator in the not too distant future...I'll have a better set up then.

Anyway, I candled all 15 tonight (lockdown tomorrow) saw definite movement in 5, others not so sure...and a few were just so dark I couldn't see anything beyond the air sac.

Ooooh, when you build the cabinet incubator, you must take lots of photos! I'd love to see the progress on that. :)

Yay for those five! And I'll keep my fingers crossed for the rest. I know there's a point at which I just can't see movement anymore because the chick has gotten so big it obscures the candling! So that's what I will hope for with your eggs.

Soooo disappointed right now. Every egg was rotten. Now to find local hatching eggs...

Oh that's very sad, I'm sorry. :(

Can you keep a rooster? I had hens with no rooster for a while but then I finally got one and suddenly hatching eggs are never a problem, LOL!

You could try craigslist for hatching eggs, I dunno about where you are but the farm & garden category for my region is always packed with poultry and eggs for sale.

Oh that's very sad, I'm sorry. :(

Can you keep a rooster? I had hens with no rooster for a while but then I finally got one and suddenly hatching eggs are never a problem, LOL!

You could try craigslist for hatching eggs, I dunno about where you are but the farm & garden category for my region is always packed with poultry and eggs for sale.


I am inside city limits otherwise I would have had a roo or two a long time ago. There is a local BYCer that has offered to sell me some of her eggs. I will just need to wait a day or so for them to be laid. :)
Hey, I'm hatching Barred Rock eggs too!
Actually... half Barred Rock. The eggs were laid by my Barred Rocks, but fertilized by either my RIR or my RIR/Buff Rock rooster. An RIR/Barred Rock is a Black Sex Link, right?
I am so excited! One of the eggs is hatching right now.

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