Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

Last evening I went into lockdown, I turned them after candeling them and today the are pipping and one is really rocking. What happens if I messed up by turning and its trying to get out from the bottom? Anyone???? Can that happen???

Do you mean pipping on the side of the egg that is facing down, or pipping at the narrow end of the egg (as opposed to the fat end, where it should)?
Candled our 11 remaining eggs last night (Day 14). Before we started we were prepared to throw out all but 4 because previous candlings didn't show much change. But last night all but one showed improvement. We opened the one egg and, sure enough, it was just a blood spot. The 10 remaining eggs all have large black masses inside! Keeping our fingers crossed...
Candled our 11 remaining eggs last night (Day 14). Before we started we were prepared to throw out all but 4 because previous candlings didn't show much change. But last night all but one showed improvement. We opened the one egg and, sure enough, it was just a blood spot. The 10 remaining eggs all have large black masses inside! Keeping our fingers crossed...

Yayy! So exciting!!!
Ok on day 21. Three hatched out of 19.... followed the book and had no trouble with temps or humidity, very disappointed. I will wait three more days before I toss, just in case.
Can I join? I set 4 Barred Rock X Black Breasted Red Old English Game on 7/7. Can;t wait to see what comes out. #3 isn't doing so good. May need to get rid of that one.
2. But I have 3 different sets of eggs going on. I have 1 set of eggs due tomorrow. Another set due to hatch the 27th. And the eggs you sent me due to hatch the 1st-2nd of August.

Do you move one set of eggs to another incubator when it is time for lockdown?

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