Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

well my hatch is done. cracked the remainder of the eggs and had bunch that quit at early stages and had 3 that shrink wrapped in the eggs before getting out. i believe i have 60 chicks that alive and well. good hatch rate for shipped eggs. hope everyone else has good results these next few days.
well my hatch is done. cracked the remainder of the eggs and had bunch that quit at early stages and had 3 that shrink wrapped in the eggs before getting out. i believe i have 60 chicks that alive and well. good hatch rate for shipped eggs. hope everyone else has good results these next few days.

That's a great hatch, congrats! I'm starting to worry a bit about mine, only three pips so far and no one has made it out of the shell yet. This was my first try at dry incubation so I'm concerned I may have botched something.
well my hatch is done. cracked the remainder of the eggs and had bunch that quit at early stages and had 3 that shrink wrapped in the eggs before getting out. i believe i have 60 chicks that alive and well. good hatch rate for shipped eggs. hope everyone else has good results these next few days.
How many did you originally set? Do you use an Auto-turner?
Okay I am sure you all don't want to see this But I am quite Puzzled ..... First of all I had a egg Just about Blow In the bator It was so stinky and Then started to Leak so I took it out and then I took out a few more that were questionable and I always crack them to see whats what and to My surprise this is what I found In my e bay baught EE eggs .............UM that is not a chicken .... Has any one ever had this happen to you ??? Poor Little Guys , I would not even know what to do if they did Live Does any one think I should contact the seller to ask , why there was duck eggs , Im not mad I am just suprised
Awww. Poor babies!! Did you get any of what you ordered? Sorry if you did - I didn't scan through the posts first. Maybe the packages got mixed up? I would definitely contact them to make them aware.
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Awww. Poor babies!! Did you get any of what you ordered? Sorry if you did - I didn't scan through the posts first. Maybe the packages got mixed up? I would definitely contact them to make them aware.
Oh yea I did I guess I got blue eggs I posted pictures of my hatch earlier , I so far have 8 babies , But some are black some are white , cream 2 look like chimpmunks , I guess that is the chance you take when you order on line , from ebay you never know what you will get . I have a few more polish getting ready to hatch hopefully they survive , only 3 are piping now of the 6 left
I'm pretty sure one of my duck eggs rolled tonight after I turned them over. Kind of like - 'no, I want to be like this where I was!'. And when I candled one, I could see movement and possible shadows around the bottom of the air cell. And I saw that one rocking as well. I'm on day 24 so I decided to go ahead and lock down. Right or wrong? This is my first time hatching ducks.....
Lol @ chipmunks. I see them now! Sorry about that.
That really is strange though! So now you are unsure if you got the right chics all together. Wish I could help. 0-0
I'm pretty sure one of my duck eggs rolled tonight after I turned them over. Kind of like - 'no, I want to be like this where I was!'. And when I candled one, I could see movement and possible shadows around the bottom of the air cell. And I saw that one rocking as well. I'm on day 24 so I decided to go ahead and lock down. Right or wrong? This is my first time hatching ducks.....
So maybe if I left those eggs in longer they may have survived ? How long does duck eggs take to hatch ?

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