Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

:he    :barnie   I think there was a snake in the chicken house last night. Went out to look for eggs & saw an egg on the floor just inside the escape hatch for the chickens. Picked it up & it was only a half shell with bloody membrane inside. I checked under my turkey and sure enough she only had 3 eggs under her. Although the doors are closed at night, the windows are covered w/chicken wire. I brought the remaining 3 eggs in and put in the incubator. 

I am going to give my turkey todays eggs to try again. She really wants to sit.

Oh that stinks!! We had an 8 ft rat snake residing in our old coop. It only messed with eggs once, but it I caught it with an egg in its mouth and it totally grossed me out!
Great! How many eggs did you begin with?

I started with 40 and 28 went into lock down. Of those 21 had definite movement on day18.
When I left a little bit ago, I had 11 babies and two more pips.

I was really worried none were going to hatch-- their air cells looked WAY smaller than the diagram that I've seen.
Just found this post, I set my eggs on the 3rd just sorted them all and put them into lockdown 5 minutes ago can't wait for sunday
thank you for joining, and
Just spent the last few minutes updating myself on the last 24 hours of post... it looks like so many have locked down and so many are having the usual troubles. I'm always amazed that nature has done this without us for millions of years and when we got involved we have the humidity/temp/turning/broody/pip/peep/aircell/lockdown craziness.... I just love the magic of it all.

To those of you who are having trouble with temps.... that was our biggest stumbling block when we first failed (our first three yielded nuthin) and we've finally found the answer and love the dry method of incubation and hatching. So far, so good... Too many eggtopsies for me, I really was not terribly bright either. Bought a batch of BBS English Orpington eggs as my first hatching eggs..... what a loser. Felt so sad when nothing happened......

AAAAAAnyway...... went into lockdown with almost all of the eggs today........looks like we're losing a Jersey Giant egg. Just pooped out on us. And there are two White Leghorns that we're keeping in the dry incubator until tomorrow for another day's growth. Just looks way too incomplete to me. Maybe it's the wrong thing to do, but if a baby needs more time inside, I say let it have more time. Just lucky I have another incubator that I can use.

Hope everyone's ready with cameras and plenty of coffee. Happy hatching
Woke up to six chicks out already, still 11 more to go. These are my own mutt eggs so I get a variety of colors. No naked necks tho yet - that's the reason I was setting as I had a predator get one of my favorite NN. Ah well, still 11 more to hatch!
Woke up to six chicks out already, still 11 more to go. These are my own mutt eggs so I get a variety of colors. No naked necks tho yet - that's the reason I was setting as I had a predator get one of my favorite NN. Ah well, still 11 more to hatch!

Congratz Featherz, add pics. I don't get fuzzy butts til Sunday night.

If I get fuzzy butts. I had a temp spike to 102 for about 12 hours so we shall see. I'll be very disapppointed if I made it this far and nothing. I started with 45 eggs I think maybe 46, I went into lockdown with 29 most the ones that didn't go to lockdown just weren't fertile they never started. Had a few early quitters with just a few tiny veins. Have 6 I left in the incubator instead of moving them to my hatcher. I think they quit in the middle but never had that before so I left them in the bator just in case. This way if they blow or something they won't ruin my main hatch. I only have 6 good eggs from my flock in the bator right now. Of course they are on the turn with lower humidity so if they didn't quit late they may not make it anyway but thought I'd give them a chance. When I candled on day 18 I didn't see alot of movement anywhere but I think I need to rig a new candler. I'm hoping it is that and not that the temp spike got them all.

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