Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

Woooo Hooooo, my SF pullets arrived today. A friend added them to her order for me, only 6 of them, but yippee!!! I'm excited to have them here the timing will be just right to add my hatchlings to them. Hoping to see some action in the bator tonight.
They were shipped! Could they have been ruined before I got them? This is my first time.
I think you had bad eggs. Something could have happened during shipping. I wouldn't blame the person who sent the eggs. This makes me really consider how much I would want to invest in shipped eggs...
Congratz Featherz, add pics. I don't get fuzzy butts til Sunday night.

If I get fuzzy butts. I had a temp spike to 102 for about 12 hours so we shall see. I'll be very disapppointed if I made it this far and nothing. I started with 45 eggs I think maybe 46, I went into lockdown with 29 most the ones that didn't go to lockdown just weren't fertile they never started. Had a few early quitters with just a few tiny veins. Have 6 I left in the incubator instead of moving them to my hatcher. I think they quit in the middle but never had that before so I left them in the bator just in case. This way if they blow or something they won't ruin my main hatch. I only have 6 good eggs from my flock in the bator right now. Of course they are on the turn with lower humidity so if they didn't quit late they may not make it anyway but thought I'd give them a chance. When I candled on day 18 I didn't see alot of movement anywhere but I think I need to rig a new candler. I'm hoping it is that and not that the temp spike got them all.
I'm not really sure how much movement I should be looking for. I have had a few temp spikes, but so far most seem to be living. I can't see well in the darker eggs. If slight movement is normal, then I am good. If they should be bouncing around inside..I may have trouble.
You should be fine there isn't a lot of room left in there to bounce around if your going into lock down on Sunday fingers crossed
Put 28 eggs into lockdown this morning! So excited!
Good luck
Sunday is lockdown for me.

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