Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

Oh I love and hate the next 48 hours. Last night I heard an egg peeping. Was very excited my small heat spike didn't kill them late. This morning I have one external pip but no peeping (in the 5 minutes I spent staring). So now I'm worried she drown. I know most likely she is just sleeping but I'm a worry wart. Tomorrow night is hatch night so this would be an early bird. Hope she wakes up from her nap soon so I can stop worrying. Humidity is right at 64%.
I am on a strange point this morning? When I went to bed the one that had piped early yesterday had about a dime size hole. I figured it would be up and running this morning, but no change. However there was one just hatched lying on it's back. It is now turned over and resting comfortable. My temp is a steady 100 and humidity 62. I do not see any other pips, but it is hard to see in this old bator. I hate not seeing everything! Think I will try to build me one with a full clear top so I can be nosie.
Congrats every one and good luck with the rest of your chicks.
And yah hoo! One of our bantys laid an egg yesterday! It's about time. She has laid before, but something got her mate. Since I had other bantys, my friend sent her home with me. I belive she is a silver duckwing and will make a nice trio when my pair get old enough. Rite now she is with a pretty little black rooster. Yesterday I heard my little duckwing roo try to crow. Thought I was going to laugh myself silly!

I am so impatient. ( Only found her a mate, the black one, 2 weeks ago.)
Set mine eggs on the 2nd at around 7pm. 3 out of 8 made it to lockdown I expected that since the eggs were sitting for some time. One hatch this morning I didn't see an pips or anything. When I woke up this morning I heard peeping so I look in the bator and saw the chick was almost fully hatched :)
Hey guys, Im pretty sure one of my eggs is a double yolker, And i've read that twin chicken can't hatch on their own. But im not 100% positive it is a double yolker. So on hatch day if it hasnt hatched should i hatch it for the chickens on the off chance it is a double yolker? please help?!?!?!
Mine started hatching night before last at 12am. Now I have 14 and one pipping. I started with 30 eggs and went into lock down with 27 but one started leaking to I took it out so 26. They are shipped eggs from here on the forum so I was thinking if I got 50% I would be happy so I got what. I will leave them all in until tomorrow nite before I do anything with the rest of the eggs.
I found that my humidity gage is not acurate on the Genesis. It could be up to 19 degrees off according to the calibrated gage I checked it with. I still couldn't get the humidity to go up no matter what I did so it stayed around 65-67. Should have been up into the high 70s. So the first one came out of the shell fine but the last few have had problems with sticking in the shell. They zipp a hole and then they stop and get stuck. I have had to help out 4 and give two a warm bath to get the feathers unstuck. I hate this part of it. I thought it was going to be ok because the first parte went good.
This is the first thirteen Barn yard mix with Ameracauna roos over them. Lots of interesting colors. Brown, white and green eggs. you can see the one in the corner that was stuck and the egg shell cut on his beak.
I think My humidity is messed up. It has stayed 70%-72%. Now all of a sudden it drops to about 55%. I hope the eggs and chicks are okay. This is my first hatch!! I hope it goes well!!

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