Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

so here is another bad pic, can u see the "stuff" stuck to his back?

This is normal he'll take it off or one of his hatch mates will. Most people don't bath or spritz unless it is still there in say a day or 2. It won't hurt him. Opening the bator releasing the humidity could shrink wrap your other chicks. I keep seeing people talk about opening their bator and spritzing their hatching eggs. This seems very dangerous to me. My last hatch along their was alot of discussion that if your humidity is too high your chick can drown when pipping. If you fill their air pocket with water then when they pip the was goes in their beak. If it goes in the top they can drown. I've not had one drown so I don't have experience at that but the standard is relatively high humidity 65 to 70% some only use 60% and staying out of the bator to avoid large rushes of dry air.
OMG! I went to my incubator to put some more water in (am currently in lockdown), opened it up and this is what I found:

These are pips right? This is my first time hatching. Day 21 is tomorrow (Monday) :D

ALSO, just while I was posting this I heard cheeping from inside the incubator. WOO! Hoping all of them make a great hatch! Will post pics :)
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Haha THANKS!!! you do not know how excited I am right now :)

EDIT: Sorry, there is currently no water in the incubator (I don't think), should I quickly take the pipping eggs out and quickly put water in?? Thanks.

EDIT2: Don't worry, just researching and it said that the membrane might dry out if there is no humidity so I quickly put some more in. :)
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Ok third one out. Looks like a production red.

I'm worried about the one that first pipped she pipped a long time ago and her brothers and sisters are just popping out around her. But I keep telling myself tonight is hatch night so I've got a couple early birds and nothing to worry about.
Three hatched late last night and early this morning . Two black and a yellowish goldish one. I shure wish my little serama eggs would do something those are the ones Im hatching for my self along with the silkie. The rest I have to get rid of. Only 3 of the serama eggs have pipped and its been like 12 hours and nothing else . COme on little babies
please hatch. Im so tired I got just a little over an hours sleep. Bettween the peeping , the worring and my cat sitting on the bator I coudnt sleeep
. Today is gonna be a LONG day
OMG! I went to my incubator to put some more water in (am currently in lockdown), opened it up and this is what I found:

These are pips right? This is my first time hatching. Day 21 is tomorrow (Monday) :D

ALSO, just while I was posting this I heard cheeping from inside the incubator. WOO! Hoping all of them make a great hatch! Will post pics :)

Keep an eye on that little one trying to come out of the skinny end. The air.cell isn't on that side and I've read that they can die trying to hatch. That happened to one of mine and I ended up "helping" a bit.

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