Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

I have a pip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
My hatch is offically over. I have to get my bator ready for more eggs going into lock down so as I didnt have any more pips that I could see I took the chance of candleing all the rest of the eggs. Most of them look like they quit right around day 18 one had pipped but I didnt see it cuase it glazed over and the chick sufacted that was two eggs this time that leaked and the stuff hardend and killed the chick. One was pipped internally but never pipped externally .I got
4 serama
2 adorable fuzzy footed mixes
5 non fuzzy footed mixes
possibly about 10 or so chukar ( man there hard to count little buggers mover to fast)
possibly about 10 or so bobwhite quail ( same thing as the chukar and there in with them to so its just a little fuzzy mosh pit)
SO around 31 give or take a couple out of I think if I remmber right (doubt it with my brain) I set about 57 so a little more then 50% hatch rate .
The chukar and bobs the bobs are smaller and have more brown in them .
Well I have my first 2 problems (out of 37 hatched so far).

One baby sits on his butt with his legs spread out in front of him and his head thrown back cheaping (when he isn't sleeping)

The other has something hanging out. Any ideas what I should do. He is just as lively as the others.
Well as for the membrane... a lot of my babies end up with this kind of bum. Just let it dry and fall off... it will dry dry dry and if you can cut it off eventually it will be fine, nothing to worry about. When you're talking about the head thing... neck weirdness, I've been told that a dose of the infant vitamin drops Poly Vi Sol can do a world of good. I used them with Stanley my special needs BCM in my first hatch and she is thriving today..... 4 weeks old last weekend and we're in love with her. As for yours, I would get a small syringe, make sure the VITAMINS DON'T HAVE IRON!!! That's super duper important. If you want to, just drop one weenie drop into their mouth and do your best not to choke them.... not easy as the stuff tastes horrible. I always keep some water there immediately following. I hold my chick in my hand, warm and snuggly...if I have it under a light it's better. Give him a drop every day or maybe once in the AM, and one in the PM... it seems to work.

Good luck!
The membrane had already fallen off by this morning. Thanks!

As for the other chick, they aren't mine, I'll tell the owner when I take him home today.

This entire hatch was a first "practice run" for me and my new incubator. Some people "loaned" me fertilized eggs to try and hatch with the understanding that I was a newbie and might screw it up. I am thrilled that I had such an amazing hatch for my first time. Out of 74 eggs, I had 9 clears, 2 blood rings and 2 quit early. But of the 61 I locked down, I already have 53 chicks. And hatch day should have been today.
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I have had a really bad hatch. Only 3 chicks. Better than nothing, BUT. Took a shot yesterday and grabbed 3 out to candle them to see what might be going on. 2 no good and one not moving, so I candled the rest too. About 6 had dead babys and the rest were no good at all. Scraped the whole bunch! Not giving up and bator ready to start next round today. I sure hope the guinea eggs do better!!! Lockdown is tomorrow on them. They have been on a turner, so hopefully that will make a difference. I plan not to even touch them and just turn the turner off when it is level. I don't think they can, but going to stuff paper towels around the edges so there is no chance chicks get under it. That bator has only been opened once to candle on day 11 or 12. Gonna try hands off approach.
Probably won't get to the feed store till Saturday, but I will have a turner for the old bator too. Maybe it is taking to long with the bator open to turn so many eggs???? We will see!!! I will get this rite or go nuts trying????
Congrats on everybodys chicks. They are adorable.
Congrats everyone as of today my one egg is doing NOTHING andl its day 20. Will not give up until Friday. I did bid and won some eggs that come Thursday. Will try one more time but not with Bantams...

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