Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

There are 2 threads I am on for this hatch!!!
Sitting Eggs 6/27/12!Hatch-a-long?Chart Included
Set Eggs June 23. Anyone with me?

Come on over!!!!
I'll be there!!
No further activity since the silver chick hatched. I think the eggs are done. I have 5 that have not hatched. I would have liked them all to hatch, but 8 is better than none. 2 are w/the Silky. I've a broody hen I'm going to try to give the other 6 chicks to after dark tonight. She left her eggs due to me moving her after another hen tried to take over the nest. I think her eggs went bad. Will check them tonight before I give her the babies. She's done well in the past at taking other babies besides her own.
Scratch that! Gracie was attacking the babies. Had to bring them back in. Odd, last time she was broody I was able to give her chicks anywhere from just hatched to 1 wk old. She took on 8 babies to join the two she hatched. But not this time. Oh well.......
7 chicks from the incubator + one under my Silky. I knew I had one zipping when I left this morning, but found 3 in the incubator when I got home! The black one, center left pipped this morning. The light yellow w/dark streak on it's back, bottom center and the little silver one are the ones hatched this morning while I was gone. Haven't had a chance to check under the Silky since I got back home. Have 4 eggs left. One has a "?" on it and doesn't feel heavy enough.
Pretty babies!
Congrats everyone as of today my one egg is doing NOTHING andl its day 20. Will not give up until Friday. I did bid and won some eggs that come Thursday. Will try one more time but not with Bantams...
How's it going? Any pips yet? A couple of my eggs didn't hatch until day 23...some just take longer than others.
13 have hatched and there are many left to come out! I had to open the incubator once to move 9 of the babies to the brooder. It was getting way to crowded in the cooler! I did go to the laundry room, heated it up, and bumped the humidity in the room first....since my humidity was already past 80, I thought it would be far no problems whatsoever. In fact I think I may have had problems if I didn't move them! Will post more pictures later :)
Congrats on all the hatches everyone. I have been loving all the pictures of the chicks. I started a little late and am just finishing up day 19. C'mon HATCH already! I have 13 eggs that have made it to lock down - from an original 14 FBCM shipped eggs. Hopefully the luck continues.
Our hatch is over... final count is 10 out of the 14 that were locked down. I'm so excited.... they are from the raffle that I entered here on BYC this May... really beautiful birds from Taylor Hobby Farms. Got 1 each Jersey Giant, Barred Rock, BCM, 2 Lavender Orps, 3 Ameraucanas, 2 Laced Brahmas. I'm stunned at the beauty of these chicks... seriously. The Brahmas are not to be believed....

Will get and post pics tomorrow, promise, I'm too busy being a mom and a mama hen at the moment!

Happy hatching everyone, and congratulations on all the babies, pips and peeps..
Our hatch is over... final count is 10 out of the 14 that were locked down. I'm so excited.... they are from the raffle that I entered here on BYC this May... really beautiful birds from Taylor Hobby Farms. Got 1 each Jersey Giant, Barred Rock, BCM, 2 Lavender Orps, 3 Ameraucanas, 2 Laced Brahmas. I'm stunned at the beauty of these chicks... seriously. The Brahmas are not to be believed....

Will get and post pics tomorrow, promise, I'm too busy being a mom and a mama hen at the moment!

Happy hatching everyone, and congratulations on all the babies, pips and peeps..
I'm up to 15 now, still waiting on all the leghorns to hatch. Most have leghorn should hatch anytime now.

I love brahmas of my new chicks is a grayish colored with very feathered legs. I am guessing the daddy to be my light brahma..I have a buff brahma hen but I didn't see which egg this one came from. Seems about half of my hatch have feathered feet so far.
Ok on day 21 with bantam eggs started with 9 only one fertile and NOTHING! It is starting to smell odd in the room I have the incubator so I am taking that as a bad sign. How long should I wait before discarding the egg??? My first hatch and a bust. But I have eggs coming today and will try this one more time.

Congrats on all the pretty babies!

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