Setting eggs June 3rd. Need hatching buddies! Lets have some fun!

! chick hatched under broody!!!
Yeah Jake!!
You probably saw I had 8 successful hatches. One was under my Silky hen. You should see their wing feathers. Well, some have great wing feathers. They say that's one way to sex the chicks. At 1 day the females have noticable wing feathers and the males don't. Going by that I've at least 2-4 males out of the hatch.
I put my 1 week old chick under the broody since she was the only one left from her hatch so i didnt want her to be lonely. And my broody is a Rhode Island Red..
I ended up purchasing ONE chick....a few days old. Its a white meat hen, but Im glad we saved it from the oven

So it is in the brooder now all by itself & chirping its head off!!! The other hens were interested in the I brought it over to the run....they looked, they pecked, they left. Bubba chicky is fine & my 3 girls love it so it will be fine. I'll keep showing the other adult chickens the bub every so often, so by 12 weeks I'll regularly put it in a cage next to the adult run so they can kinda get used to each other. Hopefully they wont unmercifully peck the poor thing to death once she is introduced to the flock. I will be supervising this very closely. Anyway....good luck & congrats to all the hatchlings. They are gorgeous arent they!!!
My chicks that hatched the end of June are still in the shed, but not in the Brooder. They have access to the whole building. But now they are escape artists! They climb/fly up onto the straw, jump onto the Rotertiller, and from there fly over the sheet metal I've been using to block them in. That way I was able to leave the door open to give them fresh air. Now when ever they want, they escape but stay close by. I do have to remove the sheet metal so they can go back inside in the evening. Today they were hanging out in our drying out corn patch. If you look close you can see

4 of the 8 chicks. The one closests to the forefront is the 4wk older Cochin mix I put with them since she was all alone. In another couple weeks I'll introduce them to the flock.
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