Setting eggs My owns chickens laid


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2020
Plano Texas
A bit over 2 weeks ago I collected some eggs and set them in an incubator. As I have a silkie hen, a frizzle hen, and leghorn hen that are actually laying and a silkie rooster to go with them I thought that I would see if he is actually fertilizing the eggs and I also plan to add the chicks to the flock once they are older.

(I currently have 8 cream legbar × ameraucana crosses and the hens I listed above but the crosses aren't laying yet, they should start next month or so)

Either way! I wanted to post this thread so that when some of them,hopefully all seven, hatch I can compare their looks. Maybe a picture once a week as well to compare growth😁
What I forgot to mention is that I originally set 8 (3 from the leghorn and 6 from the bantams) but when I checked on day 7 one of the leghorn eggs was unfertilized. I candled the eggs this morning(day 17) and even thought there was a power outage last week that lasted a couple hours(they didn't get cold ... Nope they got hot because temperatures in my house got to 110 and outdoors it was in the high 90s) but out of the 7 I noticed that 5 were moving around and the other 2 I couldn't really tell but they were just as developed.

Hopefully the temperature swing didn't effect them too much but if they did I will redo the process in a couple weeks.
I have high hopes though!

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