Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

I'm having problems with 2 guineas, one hatched today--day 32 and the other is still squirming when candled I locked my 7 d'uccles down and I have a possible 2 quitters--but they went in there with the other five. I'm keeping my fingers crossed
Ok I candled tonight! I took out 10 eggs out of the 2. doz I had in there. I couldn't see inside many of the eggs they were too dark. I hope I get some little cuties in in 3 days! Good luck to all~ Tacey
I set my eggs on the 18th, and locked down today because I read somewhere that if you set the eggs in the afternoon, wait and count the next day as the first day. So I did. Now, I also have been reading (this website is very addictive) that alot of people have a hard time getting their humidity level up between 60 and 70 percent. So, I decided that I was going to make sure I had plenty of humidity and filled the trays in the LG, added 3 more little bowls of water, cut a big sponge in half and added that, and misted the eggs before lock down and put both vent plugs my humidity is 90%
. So I took out the sponges out, and removed both plugs, but the humidity is still 90%. I am hoping as the temp reaches 101 again, that some of that humidity will rise and escape. Has this happened to anyone, and will it correct itself?? I just didn't want to have to open the bator during hatch. Oh, and I have 10 remaining eggs out of the original 15 I put in on the 18th...and they all look viable. I am very excited
. The last batch I put in, I didn't know that you were supposed to increase humidity and lock down the bater on day glad I found this website!!! Anywho....good luck to everyone's hatches!!!!
Pick-a-Lily, That is what happened to me last (first) time. I ended up having to leave the lid halfway off for about 10 minutes to get the humidity back down. I hope yours levels out soon. That is pretty much why I am satisfied with 57% right now.

I could have sworn I heard peeping last night, but when I went to check the bator.... nothing but silence and still eggs. Then this morning, I woke up to peeping. But it must have been in my head, because again.... silence and still eggs... no pips yet.

I'm tired of waiting. No more bators for me I think. The silkie BETTER be a girl and a decent future broody!
As of this morning, somebody in there is peeping! I can't see any obvious pips, but I'll check again after work. Humidity is holding around 60%, and I added a little water. Things are going MUCH better than my first hatch, and hopefully my luck will hold out.
I am about to take eggs out of turner and lock bator down. This is the make or break point it makes me so nervous. Last time all the silkes died . So i am hoping for a better hatch.

My egg turner comes out tomorrow. It's these last three days that turn me gray.

For those of you who have peeps in the brooder already, can you post some pictures? That will help the rest of us survive the seemingly endless last few days.

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