Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

I've got three drying off. The first is a Buff Laced Polish, and I think the other two are Mottled Houdan. I couldn't get a picture because they are sleeping together in a corner, away from the viewing window.

I can see pips in a few of the remaining eggs. I hope that they will keep working to get out before midnight. It's nearly impossible for me to sleep when I know they are working so hard to hatch.
I'm setting 6/18! Some Guinea and Chicken. So i will be your buddy. I have Lavender and Pied Guinea's and im also doing Cuckoo Maran and maybe another breed. I would LOVE if i could find some Delawares. Maybe later on we could swap different eggs. like i send you a dozen what you would like and you do vise - versa.Thanks!

awwwwww gosh darn it all! i pray the rest hatch!!!!!

This is the best morning ever!!!! Thanks for the happy hatching thoughts everyone!!! I have a total of 8 new chicks. The only unhatched egg is the one that has been questionable for about a week. I'm thinking about doing the float test with this last egg. Does anyone know how warm the water should be? How long can you safely immerse an egg that's viable?
Congratulations to everyone on their babies! Glad you've finally got some chicks emerging, BellLisamo and Poco Pollo. I think mine are all done- just one later quitter and one that was fishy from the very beginning, and I left just in case. Total of 13 chicks- 10 from my flock and 3 of the shipped Araucana eggs (the white Araucana chick has cheek tufts!). Here they are:
awwwwww cute babies!!!!

I have 3 chicks hatched out this morning!
Yippie! Now I hope they lead the way for the rest that have pipped and those that still need to! (I candled again to see if they all died and NOPE they are still wiggling.)
All these new babies!!! How exciting. I'm going to try to get some pictures later today. I've got two crashed out in the food dish, and a couple more snoozing next to and inside an old house slipper (slip on style). Chicks love these and you can toss them into the washer when they get dirty.

Conner is finally resting. He guarded the brooder all night, and now he's about as fragile as the newest hatched chick. Dogs need more sleep than people, and I think the sleep deficit mine's got is going to knock him our for the entire day.

Brave, sleepy chicken guardian. Conner the Barbarian.
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What a cute dog! So sweet that he's watching over the babies. My dogs are a little too rambunctious for chick-guarding duty. They might not eat them, but they'd definitely be too enthusiastic about playing with them.

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