Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

tomarrow is lockdown for me to. first time incubating.the little i candled showed the shipped eggs didnt look good. my own eggs looked like all but one of 15 were developing. we willl see in three days. inci temp may have been a bit low for the 5 days or so until i figured it out. opening the vents a little more and adding another water tray and sponges to try to keep humidity up there. been a long 18 days!
Well I got worried about my bob and banty eggs. (Anyone who has read any of my other posts knows I am hen hatching) and decided to candle them since we are in about day 22 and nothing had popped out yet. Well, I candled 3 out of 2 dozen. One was a quitter or not fert. not sure really looked like it might have had a ring but could have been rot. The other two are fully developed and I see movement so I expect to see atleast 2 babies in the next 48 hours. I candled one banty egg and since they are anywhere from 6-22 days along. It looked GREAT. Movement and development looked fantastic. I am sooooo happy I was worried. I hate to order eggs. I worry more about the ordered eggs than my own. I found a court egg in the nest that was not fully covered actually I think it got away from the hen but it looked good so I didnt want to bother it. Anywho I am looking for babys within 48 hours thank goodness!
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It is Lockdown Day!!!!!
However, I just don't have a good feeling about this hatch.........
but will keep happing hatching thoughts for all of us!!

on a sad note, lost 1 of my babies that hatched 3 wks ago
Don't know why. Went up to feed yesterday and it was dead. So I need new babies
Prepared Lockdown this morning with 36 eggs. I have a good feeling about this hatch, and am going to try not to worry as much as I did last time.

Good luck everyone. It won't be long and we will all have some itty bitty fuzzy butts.

Do you have the bottom of those eggs cartons cut out? So they are like rings rather than cups for the eggs? Pland to hacth mine the same way, but am unsure of how to prepare the cartons. And do I sit them in straight up or at an angle?
Hi Sarah - Yes I do have the bottoms cut out to help with air flow, and I simply cut the tops off and sides down a bit so they have more room to hatch. They are also straight up, but most of the all have a little wiggle room. Good luck with your hatch.
Lockdown day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited that I candled them last night and got them all ready. So when I got up this morning....early...... I put them into lockdown. I'm just hoping for some to hatch. I have shipped eggs that I'm not to sure about and some mutt eggs from a friend. I wander when they will start pipping? Do they start early or do they wait until day 21? This is all so new to me. I already have some other eggs being shipped in a week or so so I can do it again. I am a glutten for punishment.

I wish I would have seen what you did (Newlyweds) with your egg cartons. Im using egg cartons but didnt cut out the bottom.

Anyway, hope we all have fuzzy butts running around in a few days.

Happy Hatching to everyone on here.
Set eggs 1130 pm april 23rd (mountain time). Lock down tonight. I have been increasing the humidity since yesterday, adding warm water several times , Tonight i will add an extra water dish with sponges. I candled and removed a lot of shiped eggs today. Ouch! Those were exspensive! All of you experienced hatchers are shaking your heads and rolling your eyes. A lot of the eggs were clear like no development, Does this mean they were not fertile? Also getting chicks from Whelp hatchries and a rhode island red breeder from GA next week- 50 in all. Good luck everyone!
I'm on lockdown now too. Have had some temp spikes to 104 (for a short time each time) the last few days and I don't know why. I hope it was just the digital thermometer acting up and it wasn't really that high. I guess if I don't have a good hatch or none hatch, I will know why. My other two thermometers showed it was 102 which is in range for a still air LG. Oh well!

Threw out 4 obvious infertile eggs yesterday. I was so worried about pitching good eggs, I waited until they should fill the eggs and there would be no question if they were infertile or early quitters. A few others I was not real sure about, but all the others are filling the eggs, So I'm hoping and praying I at least get SOME to hatch!

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