Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

justtoni44- Welcome and glad I gave you hope on your eggs, I am sure they will be fine.

willowsong- Welcome to BYC you will love it, this site has a plethora of chicken knowledge. 2 Easy ways to add pics, if you have a photobucket account, select the Img image tag from the pics you want to add, and simply paste it into the message box on byc, then click preview and your should see your image.

If you don't have photobucket, you can go to uploads at the top, browse and select the image from your computer, click submit, then copy the img code into your message box and preview again. Hope this helps.

smchickfarm- well if it makes you feel any better, I have my one chick, but no other pips or anything, now I am starting to worry it might be the only one.

Bantamfarmer- loved the video, so sweet! What a good little mommy, I just love her little cluck clucks to her jumpy baby. I am not sure about the lice, sorry. But maybe you could sprinkle (with sevin dust) the mommy, after the chicks hatch. Maybe do a search and see what others have done, or ask on the Predators and Pest thread.

So I have my one chick, and no other pips or anything. I could hardly sleep last night, kept dreaming about chicks, and running in there, just to wake up the sleeping chick, ha ha.

Hope everyone starts getting some activity today, day 20!
Two more bundles of joy this morning!


Could be a full blooded sebright as we have sebright roosters and hens...

Another yellow, this time with black spots on its back...


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Hey bantamfarmer, your pics are SO CUTE!!!

Hey newlyweds, Congrats!!!! Yeah, I don't have much hope for this hatch of mine
Haven't had a good feeling about since day 1, but we will see............maybe I will get 1 baby!!!!

Glad you newcomers have joined us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is so much fun to be on here, get support and answers to questions!!!

LOVE IT!!!!!

Can't wait to get home and see if there is any action in the incubator!
Love the pictures Bantamfarmer.....

Im on day 20 and no progress

Have to go to work in a bit. Maybe somethng will start to happen and DH will get to watch
Lucky guy!!!!!! I will be so jealous.

Happy hatching everybody!!!!!!!!
No progress here either. Just risked my hands to pick up a silkie broody and not a single one peeping or trying to break out. I have lazy chickies
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AAAAAH!! Day 20 and we have 6 pips and lots of chirping!!! The temps dropped last night to 92 and I was terrified the chicks would suffer, but today there are early pips. Hope the cold didn't harm them. Will post pics when they start popping out of there.

Happy hatching everyone, and remember- be patient. Easy to say when my pips are already starting haha!
Now that I have purchased an incubator................One of my Sussex has is sitting.
Just seems such an easier way..............She is all puffed up, won't leave the nest to eat..growls if I get near her. She made her nest next to the house in about 18 inches of tall grass.....
It would have been much to easy on me had she nested in the barn or coop...
They definatley have their own mind.

I am truely more excited about her hatch than the ones in the incubator.
I have no idea what she will be hatching....brown layer mutts I guess...........
Good luck all...especially, smchickfarm,
nothing happening here yet.

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