Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

woke up this morning to the 6th little guy hatched outta this clutch!!!!

Had to put it under another broody as Ginger didn't want to sit....

That means one left and that 100% hatching! I hope this one hatches as it was our favorite chicken we just had to put down a week ago
Already have one from her, hoping for a few more.

*Question* can we sneak this baby underneath ginger tonight?! Will she know its not hers?! Or should we bring it in and support it from the inside of our house since hopefully there will be one more?! And ginger is a pretty small bantam is 7 to much, granted if she even takes them?! thinking about doing it at night....
Well, we set 14 eggs in the beginning. 3 weren't fertile, one had a blood ring, and one stopped developing about halfway through. So, we were left with 9 eggs and they all hatched!!!
Sadly, one chick who hatched on Thursday had a lot of "cord" (for lack of a better word, lol) still attached and he died last night... it looks like his belly was getting infected
R.I.P "Houdini"

Overall, a very successful hatch.
Good Morning,
congratulations to all hatching.
I had one pip last night and it is bigger this morning.
Am going to stay busy in the barn today........I have that sinking feeling after losing all but three my last attempt.

I have read from some that the inside of the incubator should appear steamed up on the windows?
Mine are not but reads 67 on hydrometer....
Anyone else think I should have moisture showing????????????
My temp ran about 1 degree lower than recomended for an LG still maybe the eggs will need an extra day or so. Ran at 100.5
Last hatch, the last baby came on day 25.
I lock down Sunday night
... I won't be checking every 5-10 mins till they are all hatched either...

No, wait... I have wellsummers and speckled sussex... I have to watch like a hawk or I won't be able to tell them apart
OK.thats it. I am going to break down crying....................

4 more pips.total6 and a lot of chirping..........................
The tears are because I screwed up so bad last time and am so gratefulthat things are going well this time.
I have felt such shame over the last hatch.I did not calibrate my hydrometer and caused thier death.
thank you all for listening..........
The positive being, I learned on this site that I needed to calibrate and how to do it.
No doubt you will hear from me later.
Thanks for being there,
It is hard to predict if ginger will accept the chick..Can you try and then check a few times.
We have had success but????????????
Good luck
Well folks I had a pretty sad hatch rate, only 6 out of 36 hatched, oh its so depressing just typing this.

I still can't figure out exactly what went wrong, I had my first hatch on day 19. The humidity was great, upper 60-70% the whole time.

When I opened the eggs today I can't tell you how many had pipped the membrane but seemed to be shrink wrapped. I just can't figure out why. I did open the bator up last night but in a steamed shower room, around 80% humidity. So all this to tell me I don't think you will ever see me hatching eggs again. It is just too depressing.

I am trying to focus on the 6 sweet little chicks that I have now.

1 Easter egger that has both splayed legs, and curled toes, poor thing. I also think its kinda strange that the chick is black, do you think this egg was mislabeled? But I put little splints on her and she's already doing better.

I also have two Cuckoo Marans, 1 blue silkie, and 1 Black Cooper Maran, that's still drying in the bator. Don't mind that picture she just laid out like that for a minute or so. She is already walking around so much better and it's only been a few hours.

I hope you all are having much more successful hatches than me.
I am sorry for your disappointment..We back and tried to figure out when you went into
lockdawn but couldn't find it.
Just wanted to remind ou....I had a hatch at day 25 last time...............

Things are going better than expected so far.three hatched.4 pips..................the three are my BCM's
from my own stock. Will check back in later.
Take care

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