Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

We put the baby under her last night when it was super dark
snuck him under her in the back!

going out in a few to check


Just checked on the little guy with all the others and he is doing great!!!! all 6 were under Ginger this morning when we went out....

Also, last night we checked the last egg in gingers clutch and it had a little pip in it.... We thought maybe we would have a baby this morning but the pip was bigger so hopefully the last one is on its way out!!!!

and then probably starting wend we will start all over again with more chicks hatching!!!! If we had known we were going to have so many broodys I don't think we would have bought all those other chicks from TSC! But I am happy we did because we go some Millie Fleurs, two Porcelain, 2 Mystery chicks and our FIRST Silkie which is starting to be the neatest chicken I have ever seen
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Such good news.......................Ginger is a great mom.
I still have hatching this morning....Boy, is it hard to not grab those babies out that hatched last night.
There is one egg that pipped yesterday and I can still see movement. Sure hope they make it out.
I am more inclined to let nature work this out than possibly jeprodize the others by opening the inc.
Will let you kbow how this decision works out.
I mentioned I had another hen go broody .. She has chosen a big apple box for a nest.
I set, one by one ,5 BCM eggs in her nest. It was a kick to see her quickly push them under her while giving me a very threatening stare.
My broody hatched only one off. She kicked the rest of the eggs out, so I grabbed them & put them in the bator. I got 2 really cute barred rocks from that. I tried to sneak the 2 chicks to her at night, but she wasn't having it. She woke up, gathered her one chick & abandoned the rest. She pecked at the ones that tried to follow, & I intervened when she grabbed one by the head & flung him out of the nest. So it looks like she wants to have an only child. She is taking very good care of it, & will try her best to rip your throat out if you come in the coop. I just wish she would have accepted the rest. Now I'll, have a brooder in the bathroom for awhile.
Congratulations to all of you!!!

I have not been on to update because I brilliantly planned my hatch date the day before my son's 3rd birthday...that was not a good idea!

It was really cool, they began to pip at the hour of their 21st day began. That was midnight, stayed up til 4am 2 nights in a row to see these guys through.

Had 15 eggs at lockdown, and hatched 10 very healthy beautiful silkie boos!! Left the 5 remaining in the bator, and I am so reluctant to toss them, but I know I gotta check em and let the duds go...

I have to say, I am so very thankful to have found this web site... I would have never attempted this without all the amazing help, information and fellow support offered here. Reading everyone stories and advice has been a true gold mine of information and support, and I just cannot say thank you enough to all BYC members!!

Newlyweds...LOVE the new baby pic!!!
I am gonna go snap some more of my lil dudes soon.

Anyone else got any unhatched eggs left in the bator??
I had several. But they were shipped eggs, so it didn't surprise me.. I think I got a great hatch considering I had to intervene & put half in the incubator.
This is so hard.................I want to get yes terdays babies out...but have eggs in various stages of hatching............
I know about the shower thing.but not willing to experiment.
I've lost count on babies.12 I think and at least 5 pipping and a few ready to pop thier top.

I may pop my top before this is over LOL.
Thers a lot to be said for a broody hen...All of it good

Hope to hear from all of you,
Hi.... My hatch is now over....
I feel like I had a successfull hatch. My shipped eggs out of 9, that made it to lockdown only 3 hatched and we had to cull one. Then the 11 that made it to lockdown of a friends eggs, 10 hatched. So I am a happy camper.
We did have to open up the incubator and move some out to the brooder. They were stumbling over each other and knocking eggs around. It didn't seem to hurt any of the others. I will have lockdown on Monday for some other eggs that were shipped to me around a week later because of broken eggs in shipping. I hope some of my C Marons hatch..... The first batch of shipped eggs the ones that were not broken did not hatch. I was up late, 3 am on friday night. It was so exciting................ I am going to this again. Those fuzzy buts are so cute, and they are all doing well so far. Some a little slower but thats ok.

Sounds like we had some good hatches and some not so good.

I did find out that shipped eggs do not do as well. I guess we all take our chances. Just glad I had options so that I did have a good hatch.....

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