Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

Thank you mayberrygirl, gonna give it a peep
Ok- here is my update on my first 1502 hatch. I'm in love!
Started with 90 eggs, had 5 infertile, 3 quiters, 1 full of spores that seemed to be developing so I let it go-did not hatch, 1 complete that did not pip out at all and 1 complete that piped that i didn't see and gave up(DARN)
, 1 I did save(shrink-wrapped) he's good---Hatch of 79 total.
Beautiful, healthy, fluffy fat chicks. I have got to figure out the picture thing! Not sure how to figure %.

I waited about 28hrs after the first to hatch and pulled(like 69) all but 6 out(they were wet), checked back around and hour later and there were 9 total which I left until the next day when I discovered the stuck chicks. I think opening the first time is what caused the two to shrink-wrap.
Next time I'll either wait longer to take them out or I'll take a couple more seconds to look and move any piped eggs to the front where i can watch them.
I know they say the chicks are ok for a couple of days, but it was loaded(like all on top of each other!)
and I peeked one time and a chick was on the rack above(taking a ride)
Scared me to death! So I had to pull some out.

Over all great hatch--Beautiful chicks!

Missred871-love the pics of chicks and eggs!
I want some quail now that I have a good bator.
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Way to go biddybird!!!

I am in total love
with my hatched babies too, I honestly could not sell a one!

That is a heck of a lot of birdies!! My hubby looked like this
with just 15 in the bator! And now I am "secretly" building another bator...He knows what's up, just shakes his head and says I love you!!

So guys, these Silkies are kooky critters, having a fun time trying to figure out what colors I have...each day I see them new feathers with new colors show up. The waiting for them to grow is as agonizing as the hatch!!

And my lil broody hen has a bunch of nothing going on in her box. And I am gonna post a lovely pic of where my roo basically forced one of the hens to lay..on the 2nd shelf of a small old bookcase I hauled out to help rebuild the coop...wacky birds
I hatched the standard eggs as a test because I know I can sell them easy. I really would love to keep them all but I need to save room for Silkies, quail and anything else I can come up with. I also love watching the silkies grow. I have one that is grey bodied, bright red necked and has a black fuzzy hat on. I love it!!! Will try to get a pic and put it in.
Oh yes, must have a place for the Silkies!!!

Biddybird I have a little grey Silkie that has a bit of red on the wings!! Too cute!! I am also jazzed about these guys because some of the "silkie crosses" are soooo beautiful!

Doesn't someone have a broody due hopefully tomorrow???
Ok, Had quite an episode last night!!!!!!

Go up to feed, and my broody has babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I feed everyone and then sit and watch her for awhile. Can see 2 or 3 peeking at me

Go to the house, come back up and the rooster (daddy) is acting really weird
So I sit and watch, well he jumps on her head while she is sitting on the babies in her nest box!!!!!!!!!!!
He is bitting and pecking at her head and she is terrified!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I get him off, and I step back to see what he does....Well everytime I get out of his sight, he does it again! WELL, I SAY THAT IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!

So I rearrange everyone. pick up her and nest box altogether..(she lets me) and put her in the 4 foot rabbit hutch! I think she knew I was helping her, cause she was very patient!

So now , daddy is by himself, my two 6wk old babies are in a cage on the floor and momma and her babies are safe and sound!

I have NEVER had a rooster/daddy act like that!!!!!!!!! He was not happy about the babies! He is going to have to go!!!!!!

It was all very exhusting, but I do have precious little babies !
Hey there

So happy to hear about your broody
, she was right on time!!!
Mine is sitting on a bunch of nothing!

But got the 13 eggs from my flock in the bator, and....

on the 24 hour auction...and...I have Russian Orloffs comming in June thanks to a wonderful BYC member!!

Building another bator now, thought about buying one, but I have really been happy with my homemade one, and cheaper too!!

When you get some pics please post!!

HI everyone,
Such a treat to come on and read everyones news and plans..............

Oh God, I can hardly write this without breaking into tears again.
Something, a coyote I think, got some of my 8 month old layers...I feel like a child I am so heart broken.........
Then yeaterday we had the goats out......near the house and my husband was working in the barn.........
Something took one of our Nubian babies...........I still cannot believe it....she was 2 months old.there was not a sound. The goats just ran into the barn at full speed and the little girl was not with them.

I don't do this well........I get to attatched.
Yesterday I was ready to just sell everything. Today I've decided not to make any decsions while I am still upset.

On the up side, my two broodies are doing well and giving us much pleasure. It is amazing how devoted they are..................
The hatch chickies are doing well and I love going in and holding them and watching them grow......Man ,I did not realize how much they eat.....reminds me of when I had teenagers at home.

Have I told you that, because my chicken addiiction is in full control, I purchased 8 Orpintons from blue breeding. Recieved, blue, splash and black. ran out of room to write.............Later

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