Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

She got off of her nest this morning, and this egg was pipped and peeping, very much alive.

I wrapped it in a moist towel, and put it in the bator with the other eggs. The other eggs I have in there I really have no idea how far along they are...they are from a abandoned hen nest. But I have been raising the humidity in there because of the movement I saw in humidity is perfect for this left behind egg to hatch if it has actually made a bit of progress!! Lots of beak and peep action!
That is sweet....when they want to make it..they really let you know...
Good luck...I 'd let it go for a bit and see if it can do the rest on it's own.
Will check back in about an hour.
Oh the little left behind egg has been in my bator for about 4 hours...membrane is visible and looks soft...pokes its beak out...

I want to give it a chance but not beat myself up for helping too much...scared to do too much you know...

I lucked out the first time I helped....................It was obvious the membrane was like leather.
I found a manacure set my son had been given and never used.had exactly what I needed.
Cuticle sissors,tweezers ,a little pocky thing and I took the shell off tiny pieces at a blood.
Then the one I saved turned out to be a roo who attached me every chance it got.
Really ungrateful.
Advice anyone...
the pipped egg looks about the same, but membrane yellowing, still soft. It is just poking its beak through at times, and not really much else. Saw red feathers poke through...still alive, not as peppy as before. Oh the agony...
HI, You might want to post where you can get more experienced answers....................

Do you have something to cut bit of the shell to see if there is blood................
I have reead that it can sometimes take 24 hrs. to zip......but of course we do not knoow when it pipped.......
I would not worry if it is not to active,probably really tired.
The bottom linr for me is that at somme point I simply had to make a decsion for myself..........

I just chipped a little tiny bit at a time and the shell evetually came off. I kept it wrapped in a warm rag as I worked and had a bowl of warm water and another rag ready for when the first got cold.
But mine were from the membrane being dried out.
Wish I could help more........
IT HATCHED!!!!! I went to check on it and it was coming out FEET FIRST!!!
I pulled it, did the moist wrap thing and it came out fine!!! Still has a bit of shell on the tail, but is drying right now...

WOW!!! WOW!!!

And a HUGE thanks to all here!! I could have NEVER attempted this without all of the help and support!!

As for the other eggs in the bator, 4 might be on day 10, the others who knows!!
thanks for the update Missred.nice to hear from you.

Well Scuba, bet your exsausted.........LOL..hard work delivering babies..................

Hey Scubadeaux, CONGRATS AND YAHOO!!!

So glad the little one hatched and is doing well!

I know it is a hard call on whether to help or not. On my first batch I had to help a couple that were shrinkwrapped, and they did great and are fine!

Good call on putting the egg in the bator!!!!
Can't wait to see pics of it all fluffed out!

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