Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

Ok.there are 10 chicks not 8.all black with a white spot on thier head a little white on their chest and belly and black legs..............haven't a clue who Dad is........they are very small compared to the marans...I do not have banties.

Hi to smchick farm....nice to hear from you.
Has anyone heard from newlyweds.................she seemed do discouraged.

Scuba..I will PM you about the eggs soon....just been way to busy......
Rotten time not to have extra money.the lady I bought my Bl CM's from is selling all of hers.Said she is out of pen space and wants to concentrate on her Lilac Orps.and Lilac aracuana (sp) (I think ).
O Well>

Hope all is well with everyone.
I have one more , daisy, a Delaware, due any time. Maybe any minute....


Here is "Can't Get Right"

My hand hatched boo is sooo cute! The only one not scared of hands!! And it is the calmest lil thing...I have been agonizing over the bator unsure if my mystery eggs are anywhere near hatching...

going back to stare endlessly....
hey toni! Yeah on the babies!
try and post some pics so we can figure out what they are!

Hey scubadeaux, the baby is precious!

Yeah, where is newlyweds,
hope everything is ok!
OMG.....These babies are soo cute.If I had a banty anywhere I would be convinsed thats what they are........

So tiny compared to the marans and Orps.

Have got to figure out how to get pictured on. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Happy Hatching
Hi everyone thanks for asking about me. I've been around, just won't be doing hatching anymore. After my last hugely (35 eggs, 5 hatched) failed hatched I am just too worried I would mess them up again. I may try again in the fall with some local eggs just as a test, maybe is the question.

Out of my 5 that hatched my favorite blue silkie died about 1 1/2 old, it was perfectly fine the night before so I am not sure what happened.

But don't feel to bad for me.
After the failed hatched I was so sad and wanting lots of chicks that I ordered 12 from Ideal, they sent me 7 extras, plus my 4 hatched chicks, and my hubs went and bought me 3 more, so I have 26 chicks!


Here are a few pictures of my chickies, I have a mixed batch of 2 Cuckoo Marans, 4 Easter Eggers, 1 speckled sussex, 1 partridge rock, 2 Naked Necks, 2 Salmon Faverolles, 7 Barred rock (packin peanuts), 6 mystery chicks plus 1 white guinea. They keep my plenty of busy not to mention my 16 other chickens.

Oh lordy I have so much fun just sitting out and watching these little chicks play. They get out of the brooder during the day in a large fenced in pen. We live near Houston and its already well into the 90's here during the day, so they are just fine.


Funny story about this little EE, Trouble I had to help it hatch, then it had curled toes and spraddle leg, now its legs are just perfectly fine but it is the orneriest (is that a word) little chick I've ever seen, it pecks my hand when I go to pick it up, runs like crazy when it seems my coming, but then will fall asleep in my hands. Its only 2 weeks old, lol! I wonder if this means it a Roo? It's all black and half Ameracauna/Jersey Giant and has a pea comb and muffs. Sorry not the best picture.

I am so happy that all of you guys have had such successful hatches and broody hatches. I hope I have a couple of broodies next spring. I am still unsure what happened with my last hatch, from all my accounts everything was going perfectly temps and humidity were good, then around day 18 I opened the bator several times, trying to get my humidity up (once I got it up I didn't open the bator again till day 21), and my first hatched day 19, so I am thinking I shrink wrapped them. When I opened the eggs so many had pipped the membrane and had fully absorbed yolk sacs, but dry membranes.
HELLO NEWLYWEDS!!!! Glad you are ok and doing well!

Don't worry about your hatch, mine wasn't great either. WE WILL JUST HAVE TO HATCH SOME MORE !

Your babies are beautiful and precious!!!!!

Thanks for the pics!!!
newlyweds thanks for the pic, beautiful!!!

And don't beat yourself up about your many things factor into their survival it may have had absolutely nothing with anything you did.

I am sure I am gonna have a disaster of sorts here...I have 9 eggs from my abandoned hens nest, I have no idea really what to do.
Just kinda "eyeballing" it. And I have already accepted the fact that none may make it. They are moving, and humidity up, but this has been going on for days. I figure they would have not made it anyway if left in the this is a chance for em.

I was unsure if I would EVER hatch again after seeing the silkie babies I lost. But I kinda got "forced" back into it with these abandoned eggs. So we shall see!!
fl.gif me your babies!!
Hope you are doing good and all the babes are great!!

smchickfarm, how are things with you???

I just gotta rant here a bit...
you guys, Louisiana is a lot worse than you are seeing on the news...I smell the oil, occasionally see smoke...I live over 100 miles from the coast. I am starting to worry about my flock and family...I ruined a pair of contacts today crying...

ok rant off...but I will say this, I feel very secure just having a flock. During Katrina, no food for days....
Wasn't just sent itself.

Anyway, I am really sorry that your hatch was such a bummer............
But your babies are adorable.
What is the solid red one near the middle?
Broody 2, ( Daisy) had not delivered a chick yet...I know the squirrles stole some of her eggs and other hens continued to lay in her nest so..................not sure what to do.
I think I will give it a few more days and if no succsess give her a few chicks and dump the eggs.
Or put them in the bater.............
Built a new brooder yesterday and have very happy chicks.
Made it out of pegboard.4x4.They are so funny. When they realized how much more room had.they started running, one at a time, from one end to the other and trying to fly. Wore their little selves out. And gave me a lorr of entertainment.
Scuba, I am going to PM you tonight.statrted to save eggs, but do not know when you are ready for them.

So grateful for all of you........My other friends think I have gone a little off balance.

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