Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

Having a little problem with my, if you do not hear from me, that is the reason.

I am certain I have mentioned the coyote problem.They are so smart...................know our everymove..
Today I heard Boots, our main rooster man, sounding an alarm. I went out and looked every where but never did see a coyote.
I am certain there was one,,,,,or maybe a big cat.
I watched Boots scooting about 6 hens into the barn while loudly continuing to call alarm. He got them in and came out going to the right side of the barn and herding another 6 or 8 hens into the barn.........He did this a total of four times till everyone was in. What a fasinating event to watch. he also had one wing out and when they are doing thier rooster dance.
As I said, I did not see anything, but watched and the chickens did not come back out of the barn for over two

Nothing new really....the 4 week old are getting very pretty...............
Love your new baby Scuba
Talk again soon.
well, had to rescue one, my bator was not set up right, and these guys were on a hope and a prayer anyway! But humidity never dropped, and if there is any chance they got one...

so I have two now
going to give the last one that i actually see pipped the night, then I got to call it.

I knew you could not resist!!

dab627: let's go, I HAVE to set these Showgirls tomorrow...join the insanity!!!

justtoni44, hope you guys are safe, a coyote took a 50lb double breasted bronze turkey I was raising...I am surronded by pasture and woods, it creeps me out when I hear them howl..

GO broody!! My hens are nuts, they LOVE my front door!! She wont leave, and LOVES to parade her babies around for us...She showed them to us, , struttin, the flock, the goose and was so funny the day they hatched my roo crowed all day. I think he actually grew a bit!!!


gonna go check the bator for the last time tonight...check in soon
Hey Scubadeaux, Congrats on the new baby
great pic, very cute

Toni, if I had coyote's where I live, it would make me a nervous wreck!!!! I have a lot of raccoons, but my dog takes care of them and protects my chickens!!!
What a great rooster you have to take care of all the ladies!!
Scubadeaux- How fun, do you think you could of possibly mixed them up and those were due this week? Interesting. I hope your other one makes it. Oh you have to take pictures of your broody and babies, that is too cute. A video would even be better, lol!

justtoni44-I hope your get your coyote and computer problems fixed, yikes. But it sounds like you have an amazing rooster!

smchickfarm- come on hatch with me, if you set today they won't hatch till the July 1st! Peer pressure is the best isn't it.

So I set 37 eggs today and will add a dozen more tomorrow, crazy yes!! Most are Easter eggers or Olive Eggers. And most were free or near free, except I did get some from a few BYC members and some OE from Wynette, have you guys seen her gorgeous eggs???

I am hoping everything goes right for this hatch, I have my fan installed in my LG, temp running even 100 and humidity right around 40%, how does this sound?
newlyweds - that is a lot of pressure!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really want to set some more, but my sons show birds are in my big brooder so I would not have anywhere to put the babies

But come the end of July I am going to set some more and then I will be harrassing you to do the same
What a treat to hear from everybody:D
Computer minding today. I hate learning by mistakes, but honestly, sometimes I do not know what question to ask
to keep from making mistakes.
This time it is the broody... As I already said, she lost some eggs and I discovered was being added on to.
Now she has eggs due all different times and doe not wnt to quit setting.
She has one hatched chick from yesterday..
Oh, and it is a beauty...solid blue for sure...
Anyway. I just cannot figure out what to do .the new chick needs to eat and drink soon.
Dipped it's little beak in water today.........
She is not interested in teaching it......just worried about the unhatched eggs............
Wanting to see if I can get one more chick hatched so we are not raising one alone..GRRRRRR
Think I will give her tonight and try to take the eggs tomorrow?????

Sorry, trying to think this through.
Bottom line, if I get a broody hen again I will be sure they are safe from other hens laying in their nest.........
quick post...

I hatched the 4 "fresh" eggs, all fine. Set my Showgirls yesterday, and just could not ditch the others that I had pulled out of the old burn pile, well, I left them in overnight...and they are hatching!! But I am with you Toni, learning that if I am gonna do any staggered hatch, I have to keep it set for hatching...learning the hard way by having to go in and save em, one leg got stuck, today one stuck to a piece of tape I used to "section off" the SG...I think they all have pips...going to watch these guys closely, then get that bator set for the SG.

Hope you guys are good, I am going back to check them...
Congtats Daisy..cute name we named the "Buffingtons" as my son calls them Buttercup & Daisy

That is how I ended up having to help hatch my feet first chick!! Got another hatched, hoping it can situate not want to swoop & save again, do not want to go in, please, make it
justtoni44- oh no so what are you going to do with the other eggs? Or just let them be and toss them?

Scubadeaux- yea on the hatchings. I set my eggs yesterday also and another 16 today.

Also I have a question:
I am using a LG forced air, I have had to add water to it everyday but it seems to dry quickly, is this normal? I am aiming for humidity to be around 40%, humidity in the room they are in is around 55%, does this seem right? How often do you guys add water?

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