Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

5 pips one practally upside down...hopefully they will finish up in a hurry and safely!! I am wanting to get those SG eggs safe!! This hatching is insane, I feel like I have been having something pop out daily??!! Love the feeling after a good hatch, the agony of watching it, that is another thing!!
note to self, never hatch like this again...just had to put em in there. 3 out, 5 to go. One stuck almost upside down, but the zips are coming back to back... please let this one be over and safe soon!!

on the egg set!! Gotta see that!!!

As for the question, not really a experienced hatcher myself...but I shot for 50% humidity til lockdown. Down here it is 50% or above anyway, so my humidity worked out good. But I did have to keep that water filled...

please keep us updated on the mega hatch you have!!
Just a quick responce.......I am running humidity about 40%
I cut a kitchen sponge into thirds and wet that about every other day. my humidiy to low.thought 35 to 45 for first 18 days???????????

Will tune in later
trying to set up a ahtcher in a 5 gallon pail for the other eggs.
If Scuba's hatchedd.hthen it is worth a try.

Just pulled 5 out, three eggs left, maybe, going to check..
And if you guys could tell me what this might be, where is the butt of my "Silkie"??

I had 2 sets of Silkie eggs, one from a family farm, one from breeder. This one came from the family farm, has no butt...everyone else has nice full tails coming. It also has huge leg/foot feathers as do all that hatched from them..are they mixed with something??

Toni good luck on the humidity... keep me posted!!
justtoni44, I made my little "dinky bator"off the basic plans of the "Prissy bator" here...just a small plastic igloo ice chest, too small, but seems to be doing good. Have one last little egg to hatch, not sure if it will make it, been through a lot today, and I have had to go in and "rescue" a few times..will hopefully do better with the 6 tiny eggs. I see my own flock eggs are not only very fertile, but mighty hearty!!!
As soon as this last one goes, or not..I am gonna do a clean of the bator, and roll those SG eggs, hurry lil guy!!

Been catching up on posts! Sounds like everyone is doing good! Love the pics, Scubadeaux!
I sure wish I had some eggs in the bator right now so I could join you all
I know, I know, I could put some in, but we are so busy with my sons chickens and hogs for the fair. It will be here before we know it and we have so much to do

My babies I hatched in the bator are doing great. My broody and her babies are good, However 1 of the babies died last week
and I have no idea why. Went up to feed and it was laying by the feeder, dead... nothing got it and it wasnt hurt in anyway. It has been really hot and humid where I am.....Could that have done it????????

Oh well, broody still has 3 lovely babies!

Toni, love the name Daisy!!!!!!! My son named his show birds, "hansome" and "dolly"!!!

Newlyweds - I aimed for 50 - 55% humidity before lockdown and about 65% during lockdown. It seemed I had to add water a lot this last time. Now, my incubator is a homemade one, so maybe that is why........just throwing that out there

Glad you all are doing good!!!!!
HI All,
I think I have sick chickens..................
It has been very cold and wet here....summer has passed us by. I am in Oregon.
One of my hens had a white discharge from her eye..................We treated with warn ,wet towels held to her eye thinking perhaps she got something in it. It seemed to improve.
Now three more hens ahve a white discharge and two of them are droopy.
I hate this...............When I have called in the past just trying to find someone to do routin work with my goats
I get the same snooty answer....We do not treat farm animals..( like they do not know where thier food comes from)
Anyway.a little worried because I have not had sick chickens before.

I did post in the disease thread and have done research on trying to find someplace that has antibiotic that I can give the whole flock...........
I am assuming I should not sell or eat the eggs during treatment.

Also having horrible problems with squirrles and rats. grrrrrrrrrrrrr
All in all it is worth the pleasure we get from our chick friends, but feeling a little overwhelmed this morning.

Have Copper Blue Marans due next wek from the bater..................
Will write again when I know whats up with the flock.
Hiya peeps

justtoni44, sorry to hear about the sick chicks, I hope things get a lot better over there
Let us know how the hatch does!!

smchickfarm, big hugs for the chick you lost
"mystery"deaths always bug me! Come on and let's hatch a long SG eggs in one bator and my RUSSIAN ORLOFF eggs will be here tomorrow!! You know you wanna...

Newlyweds, how are you?????

Toni, I am so very sorry about your sick chickens
I hope you are able to find something to treat them. Keep us posted. Also, could luck on the hatch

I am been so crazy busy
with my son and his 4H hogs!!!! THEY ARE GONNA BE THE DEATH OF ME!!!!

Hey there Scubadeaux...................YES, I WANT MORE BABIES, I WANT TO USE THE INCUBATOR AGAIN!!!!!
there I said it, I got it off my chest !

Now we are going out of town for 4th of july weekend........SO my plan is to set some July 6h!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH THE PRESSURE OF IT ALL!!!!

Will you be sitting then??????? or even close????????????? You have done all the pressuring, so now YOU have to set some with me on the 6th of July!!!

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