Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

Wow I missed so very much!! I was on vacation this past weekend and celebrated father's day and my birthday with my family, it was wonderful.

Scuba- I am so sorry to hear about your silkies, wow how heartbreaking, sending lots of hugs your way. But I am also happy to hear that you did figure out what caused the deaths and it wasn't some illness that would affect your whole flock.

justtoni44- We have to see those cuties as soon as you get them out of the bator. Pics Please!!!

smchickfarm- so glad your going to incubate again, peer pressure really is something huh? Ha Ha! Sounds like your son is going to have fun with his 4-h projects and some wonderful help with the great coaching from you.

We I am on day 11 with my hatch and I candled yesterday and now have 33 eggs in the bator. I did have to pull one that was starting to smell and several that weren't fertile or never started to develop. They are all EE or OE's so I am excited about these eggs, but I am trying not to get my hopes up too high, since I've had such bad luck in the past.
Justtoni - Congrats on the babies
That is so cool!!!!!! can't wait to see pics!!!

Newlyweds - So glad to have you back!!!
Glad you had a good weekend! Glad you have some in the bator - Sending happy hatching vibes your way!

Yes, I am hoping to put some more welsummer eggs in the week of July 5th!!!!! SO, SOME OF YOU are going to have to put some in too, so I have company!!!
Good morinig,
Just a quick count........................12 out..............

more piped...don't know why my eggs hatch for such a drawn out period of time.
I for sure have a beautiful splash baby.
I will get pictures but think I may end up buying a new camera........something about my present one not being compatable with Vista?

I opened the bater to take out an egg that was simply making no progress.was so careful, hope I did not mess up the other eggs.
This chick had a bloody beak.... and a little blood on the you think it is possible it hurt itself trying to break out.
It was definately ready..memebrane stuck to the top of it's head...........feathers starting to dry,
I held the egg in a warm damp rag.then the shell almost popped off when I started to remove it.
Humidity was a up and down from the other chicks hatching..........Had another chick hatch on it's own after this...sometimes makes no sense at all to me.
Guess we just learn as we chick at a time.
Great to hear from you Newlyweds...
Justtoni, congrats on the babies!

Yeah, I think it is possible it did hurt itself trying to hatch. How is the chick doing now???? Hopefully once it is dried out, things will be ok.

Yes, we just have to learn as we go and do what we think is right!!!! Thank goodness we have this thread so we can help each other!!!!!
justtoni44- Hope the hatch is going well or finished now and how is that little chick? Can't wait to see pictures.

smchickfarm- Hi I am doing great thanks for asking.

Ok Ladies I am having more trouble with this hatch and humidity. My bator seems to dry out really quickly, I've been adding water ever 2 days and letting it drop some for the dry incubation method sometimes as much as 27%.

But yesterday I candled day 14 to check the air cells (they looked pretty good, some were larger than others), and I found 2 quitters. When I cracked open the shells I noticed the membranes were really dry. This has me very concerned that my healthy eggs are dry also, so I've upped my humidity (to 40-50%) but I hope I haven't ruined this batch. Any thoughts on this?
Oh I almost forgot, since last hatch my favorite and only silkie died, my sweet sweet hubby decided to order me a few more and a polish from our local coop who orders from Ideal. Well my 2 silkies and 1 buff laced polish came in yesterday. Oh they are the sweetest tiniest little things. I had to share some pictures.
Meet Azul (blue in spanish)

Modra (blue in Czech)

and Zolty (yellow in Polish)

Check out the foot of this Polish, she is missing a toe to the knuckle, but then the end of her back toe has 2 nails, and she has a nail, in between her toes as well, very interesting. She can get around just fine, so I hope it doesn't give her any problems in the future.

I had to add this cute sleeping picture.
Hey newlyweds!!!! Glad to hear from you!

Love the babies!!!
They are precious!!!!! Congrats!

Yeah, I hate trying to get the humidity just right, it is so stressful!!! Hope you are able to get it worked out! How many total eggs do you have in the bator??
Thanks smchickfarm- I have 30 eggs in the bator. I don't have my hopes up too high, because of my previous failures, but I was hoping I have learned from my past mistakes, yikes! I think I will just keep the humidity up and hope for the best. I am running a forced air LG.
Hi everyone,
Don't know if this will for me.
I cut a new kitchen sponge into three peices and use these to add water.................
Keeping the sponges wet has given me more stable humidity and I can add or take away'
the small pieces as needed.

The little splash is doing better...........was really weak and the others were pecking at it .I put it in a clear storage container with papertowel on the bottom and set this in the brooder.Worked like a charm.
It has a foot that is not right.wish I could post a picture...kind of turned in a little. Seems to be gaining strenth every day.
My last hatch was a bust.12 out of 29 eggs. I do no think the tempeture spike helped and I had a horrible time with the humidity the last few days...............Last hatch I had 8 out of 9 BCM'S this time hardly any.
Some of the eggs were old........I don't know what happened is the bottom line.
Very haapy with the 12 though.
Will write more later.....dogs need to go out

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