Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

I know, I am delirious with laughter too!! I think there are 41 in there, 11 due next week, the rest just set.
I think the word hubby uses is "tenacious"
well, sadly I have whacked another one..Nanners, my little wild bird died
He was attacked by ANTS!! I have 3 brooders in there, no ants anywhere else but on him

So sad, we just kinda got used to each other, we have had a ton of rain lately...not sure why him, not on food or anything else...well, he was a wild bird...moving on...
Called it quits with the SG hatch, last two just quitters, not much development, shipping really took it's toll. But I LOVE the one I did get soooo much......yea, you guessed it...gonna do those again!

Anyone got lockdown this weekend?? I have the Orloffs
and the Maran mixes going into lockdown on Saturday...

How's my peeps??
Hey gang!!!!!

Sorry it has been so long since I have been on here, went away camping for the weekend!

Loved reading everyone's stories. Newlyweds, I am so sorry about the hatch
don't give up though. I just know there is an awesome hatch in your future!

I was going to set some eggs this week, but I think I will wait till our fair is over. It starts the 19th and we have so much to do to get ready

My 3 babies that my broodie hatched are growing like crazy!!!!! I think I have 2 pullets and 1 roo!!
My 4 welsummer babies that I hatched are looking great!!! Ended up w/ 2 roos and 2 pullets!!!!!

Was suppose to get a trio of BLRW's but the guy has not called me yet. Will have to get on the phone to him!
Hello everyone.

Sorry I've been a little MIA.

Scuba- love the bator!!! Sorry to hear about Nanners, you did your best, that is so weird about the ants, poor thing.

smchickfarm-Hope your fair goes well. Post pics of your babies and broody if you get a chance. And your new BLRW.

Well I did it, I finally got a new bator a genesis hovabator, I am hoping this improves my hatchs. I also got some more OE and EE coming my way, hopefully will set Saturday. Anyone have any to set? Wanna join the fun.

My hubby was not to thrilled about the idea, and especially because I spent more money on another bator. I will have to convince him it's a good thing. How do you hubbies handle all the hatching and chicks?
Hi everyone!!

newlyweds, so happy to hear about your new bator!! About the hubby issue, mine gets a bit fussy with me about it sometimes, but I do my best to explain the happiness it brings me...and mine can't say much, he started this chicken thing. He came home with some Leghorns one morning, then a few chicks from the feed store...then I fell in love with it, and here we are!!
And he really cannot say anything about how many I hatch...he came home with a HORSE one morning!! Soooo, he gotta deal with it. Plus I don't think he really minds, he keeps helping build incubators, and struggling with coop building!!

smchickfarm,post some pics of the babies!!!

Going into lockdown on Saturday!!
okay,day 21 for my Orloffs and the Maran mixes(I call em dinosaur eggs!)

All is on target, temp/humidity check! But nothing yet.... maybe some wiggling, maybe a hallucination???

I am really hoping these hatch!! Please!!!!
How are you guys??
Hi everyone.
Good to hear from all of you.
Hang in's early.....

I am O.K..a Little discouraged
Another of my mailed eggs broke.I dropped the first one and a second broke when I started to pick it up to candle............ just seperated as I was trying to pick it up..dang

My temps and humidity have had a mind of thier own this hatch....................change in weather I think.....almost 90 yesterday..68 today............

Glad to hear about your incubater Newlyweds..I know you will let us know how it works for you.
My babies are to could I ever sell any of them.l LOL.They are so beautiful.
I have two egger basically white/ blck splashes.the other like a silver laced but cute little muff cheeks.... I call them salt and pepper....... Told hubby I could not possibly sell them.they are a pair and I won't know what color eggs they lay.
O Lord..I'm in trouble
9 week Blue. Black and Splash Orps are as big as a small hen.Unbelievable....gorgeous. Come from a Rooster imported from UK.just lucked out to get them. The breeder lives near me.

Have way to many roosters and just as many reasons not to let them go.
My name is Toni and I am chicken hooked...........a chickenholic for sure.
Do we have a 12 step thread here...........
Love you all , good luck with your endevors................
Next hatch on July 21 or 22

How many chickens can you keep on 5 acres anyway..............I can see it now .wall to wall chickens.
Toni..our hatch is due at the same time next week!!!!

My name is Elizabeth..and I am a chickenhaulic!! No steps, just get more

I am sooooo jealous of the Orphs...I would love to see a pic!! Please!!

Okay, having a problem with the Russians..on day 23, one hatched, then one pipped upside down yesterday. I left it that way checking on it regularly...well, this morning, I pulled it, and tried to open it up a bit to see if it had absorbed everything and was ready, it bleed a bit, so I put it back in, pip side is just poking it's beak through, and wiggling, but looks like it has a bit more absorption of the yolk to do. And the others, bummed. I need two to "tango". One does me no good

Was not so bummed about the one SH, I can just put it with a silkie and hopefully get a few SG out of it.

Well, I am gonna be watching these guys...and hoping, and praying...and
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got two Orloffs so far. Had to help out the wonky one, it was pipping sideways!! It was so hard to figure out what part of it I was seeing at times.
Eight eggs left, 3 Orloffs

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