Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

So far I have eleven healthy chicks and four that died in the shell (one brown egg just stopped, one baby in a blue egg drowned after pipping on the bottom and the fluid rushing to his nose, and two blue pipped while I was sleeping but just couldn't seem to make the final effort). Of the eleven adorable cute fuzzy butts, three are Silkie/EE crosses and the rest are EEs. They have SO much attitude!


This little Silkie/EE is way off the high end of the cuteness scale! She has five toes and black skin.


More pictures and news to come! Congrats to everyone who has new babies and condolences for the chickies who didn't make it... maybe in heaven, there will be an entire habitat of chickies for us to love on!
Hello everyone!

Scuba- hope you have tons more hatch today, and how interesting about that one pipping upside down, good thing you caught that and saved the little one. Can't wait to see pics of them all.

Toni- sorry to hear about the troubles with the broken eggs, that's no fun. hope the rest are doing just fine. Those ee's sound too cute, love the names. Would love to see them. I hear you about parting with the babies I have a few roosters I need to rehome, but I am waiting until I am forced too.

My Name is Jenna and I am a chicken-holic!

There's no help for us, lol!!

Cattitude- Welcome! Your chicks are so very cute!!! I'd love to see how they feather out. What an interesting cross.

As for me I set 30 eggs, EE's and Olive Eggers on Monday, my new hovabator should be coming in today, I didn't realize it would take this long to ship, so I didn't want my eggs to get old so I set them in my LG, I hope I didn't doom myself. (with my bad LG luck). Anyways its only day 3 and I am doing well not messing around keeping my hands off the bator, temp 99 and humidity 45-50%.

On other news, one of my new little Silkies (3 weeks) got bit by my cat on it neck and is now in the house on strict rest, poor little thing It won't walk but has lots of energy, I've been hand feeding it cat food and water with a syringe. It's all my fault I let the little ones out to play for a bit and walked in the house for a second, ugh. I am kicking myself. Lesson learned. It seems to be getting stronger but still kinda flops around the box, so I am wondering if it will ever regain it's balance.

We also did some work on the coop and added 7 laying boxes, and lots of new roosts. They seem to really like it, but all my girls are still laying in only one box, lol. Why do they do that? They just wait in line for that one box.
Only 2 movement in the remaining three..going to give it a little more time, hate to give up. And NONE of the Maran mixes hatched...pondering bator issues, but I have another hatch going into lockdown on Tues. so we will see. I really hope I get a few more Orloffs...

newlyweds, very excited about your hatch.
Sorry to hear about thea cat...hoe it does recoves, my roo was attacked by a hawk last week, made a slow but good recovery, best of luck to you and the little guy!! I have the oddest feline and protects the flock better than anything. Aries (kitty) ran off a neighbors bloodhound that was messing with my goose...he sleeps on the front porch with the broody and her babies, has since they were born. He is the one that cried at me to get the baby wild bird. He attacks only Halloween spider rings and ponytail day I saw him playing with a FOX!!

Cattitude, welcome. I LOVE the pics. Such a sucker for the baby pics...beautiful!! Hope you are right, I sure do miss some that have passed.

I really want to do SG again...if anyone knows of someone with some available please let me know.
HI again, Would someone take the time to talk to me about posting pictures.
I cannot even find the area where it is explained...can I do it from email??

Thank You

At the top of every forum page is a menu bar. Count 8 from the left, select Uploads. Click the Choose button. Find the file you wish to upload. Select the resize option you wish. Hit Submit. You will be redirected to a page with a thumbnail of your picture and two links. Copy the bottom link (highlight the *entire*link and hold your Ctrl key then strike the C). That will copy your link to memory. Use Ctrl-V to paste the link into your message. To post multiple pictures, open the Uploads window (it should open in another tab) and click on "My Uploads" in the bottom right corner. You will be directed to a page with thumbnails and links of all the pictures you have uploaded. Copy as above and switch between tabs to paste. Go back to the thumbnails tab and copy the link for the next picture, then back to your message tab and paste. Rinse and repeat until you have the links for all your chosen pictures pasted into your message. If you want to make sure the links are good before you actually post your message, simply Preview your message and correct any links that didn't copy completely.

Good luck!

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