Setting Eggs on April 24th!!!! Who wants to hatch along w/me???

Hi everyone,
Well, wish me luck.or wish my eggs luck.
Have two SLRW's needing lock down but 20 some other eggs in the inc.
I put a bath towel in the bottom of a 5 gallon plastic pail.added a dish of water and 60 watt light bulb.
Temp at 98 right now.trying to raise it a little.and humidity about 70..trying to lower a tad.
Anyway.have my two eggs in there and hoping they really want to hatch.....
WILL LET YOU KNOW eggs have not hatched.............
whole incubater on lock down now so added these two back in.................
really bummed.but will get over it.always do when the others start to hatch..
I candled and they seemed to look good.nice air cell and a big black blob...........
others due Friday..............
Hope all is well with everyone
Hey guy, just checking in! Hatch due tomorrow...unsure of results, had a malfunctioning thermometer/humidity readings.
hoping for something!!

Hope everyone is good!
This is my first time using this site and not familiar with it yet. I'm hoping to find out solution to my problems. We are now 0 for 2 on trying to use new incubator.
First time wife accidently unplugged egg turner for 4 days around day 16? of the hatch. With that said, we still hatched one chick, although it had problems with feet and looked like might have stuck to the shell. The poor thing didnt make it through the night. With this being said, I figured that I would take over and do this
My hatch is a week+ overdue..and I believe that I did everything right? I temp only one time reached 101' and that was screaming hot day that we had. The incubator has been running
from 98 to 100 depending on time of day.. have had water in bottom of incubator even misted eggs with a spray bottle. I also gave eggs a 1/4 turn everyday while on turner.
I do not have way to check the humidity yet. could that be my problem? or is this just typical?
I would be greatly thankful for any advise!
And my opinion it was the humidity...
I lost my first batch as a result of not calibrating my new was way off.
The humidity seems to be key........45 to 55 first 18 days and upped to allow hatching the last three days.
I am sorry about your experience......that is hard and a lot of time and emotional investment.
The hydrometers are not that expensive and really important.

If your eggs are a week (28 days?).they are most likely toast. I had one hatch on day 25 once. Thata was due to low temps during incubation.
Hang in there..get a hydrometer.calibrate it..and try again.
If you need help with how to calibrate.let us know. I learned from someone in here.
We have been kind of exchanging information and learning together...............

Kepp in contact:D
Hi, My two eggs have done nothing..but have an egg pipping now that is not due until tomorrow.
A black copper maran.they are popular, but not my favorite....Eggs a knock out color,,,,,,but I find black chickens not so appealing.

Good luck Scuadeaux..really pulling for you.
I upped my temp and humidity this time.hope it helps..

I have two SLW'S that were sold to me as 3 months old.if that is so.they are banty' 9 week olds
are more than twice thier size....................they are so tiny
Anyway.I don't care except they are being picked on..ran off from food ect.
I started feeding one of them out of my hand.then the other one joined...
Now, when I go out to feed, they jump up on something a wait for me to feed them....this morning, they both jumped ,then perched on my arm...
Oh sweet I cannot believe it.
Want to kick the dogs out of the house and bring the chicks in:lol:
I actually was encouraged by someone not to do ths if one may be a late now.
I'm hooked.
Have not named them and am open to suggestions..........they look like two black and white tennis balls with legs and a head..And fluffy little bottoms.

Hope everyone is well............
Two babies so far this morning......not one that I paid for though ...LOL Pretty little blues
It is so neat to hear them chirping before hatching.....
Lots of pips...
Hello everyone!

Toni- hope your hatching goes well, love to see some pics of those babies. Sorry to hear about those 2 eggs, fingers crossed for you, blue chicks are so cute. How cute about your SLW, I love sweet chickens, yes name them. Maybe Salt and Pepper?

Scuba- hope your hatch is going well. Sorry to hear about the issues. Sending best hatching vibes your way.

Well I candled yesterday (day 10) and I saw so many little wiggler's in there, love it. Removed a few blood rings, and scrambled yolks, from shipping. But that's ok because I added 22 more eggs, yesterday, YIKES!!! 6 BCM, and a assorted blue chickens from a ebay seller, marans, hamburgs, orpingtons, ameracaunas, Andalusian. All blue chickens, so fun. I since I now have 2 incubators, it shouldn't be a problem with the staggered hatch.
Old Mc"JOHN"ald
I have only had 4 hatches so far, and yes the humidity is crucial. I think temp swings are not as hard on them hatching as humidity problems...I know, just lost 3 fully formed Russian Orloff chicks. But keep trying, I purchases a temp/hydrometer from Lowe's for about $13.00, only advice verify the readings!! I have two of the same brand, and one is WAY off, had to toss it, was so defective. Just because it is new with new batteries...mine was off 20% on humidity....that was bad, it caused the loss of my hatch!!
Best of luck to you, and hang in there!!!
hugs.gif got two so far!!!?? I have 2 pips only..patiently waiting...for anything!!!!
Out of all my eggs only 12 were full and good for a few iffy ones I left in there, just to see, hated tossing soooo many.....

newlyweds..well lookie are going strong!! Happy hatching!! I am so happy to hear of others as wonky as me with 2 incubators going, and you adding more eggs!! Sending the vibes......Happy Hatching!

I will be looking for updates!!!
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