Setting eggs on Wednesday June 29

What did you have your humidity at? Mine was around 35%, but it'd drop everytime I turned the eggs. I'll see how this hatch goes. If they are shrink wrapped, I'll run it higher next time. It's at 75% now.

The power is very reliable here, but I'm thinking the inverter would be handy if I ever did lose power. That may be an idea for you, for the future. I don't know how bad things get where you are, but I've read that lots of people on the forum seem to lose power. If you get an inverter, you can run the incubator off the car battery. Rather handy!
Poor puppy. I'm sure he won't learn lol. My mum has an 8 year-old lab who still finds all the most disgusting things imaginable to eat.
One of the eggs that was wobbling yesterday had the pointy end a bit too high, so I stuck my hand in and righted it. That's when I heard the peeping, but I can't hear anything now. I'm worried I may have drowned the chick
NOW I'm stressed! What do I do? Leave it or move it back?

Edit: it's ok, the little chick answered my queries. It even peeped loud enough for my degu to hear and reply "Pardon?" (I have a very polite degu)
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The last batch I thought nothing was happening day 20 during lock down but I opened the incubator long enough to add another warm wet sponge and the eggs were mad at me they all started peeping I almost dropped the lid. So far nothing from these guys. I do have a power inverter but if I sleep through the outage I would never get them to the car to plug them in lol. That's why it was almost a good thing that my poor puppy harassed a toad. No he won't learn either it's his third toad lol gotta love puppy dogs.
It's out, but it's not straightening its neck. Is this normal? It just keeps rolling around with its beak tucked into its neck.

Edit: It's ok, it straightened out now. Just first-time motherly fear
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Cool I'm glad it hatched nothing yet here all the eggs are quiet but then it's day 19/18 for the eggs so it would be a little early for them to do anything. Humidity is staying right at 65 for now and temp is around 99.7 everyone looks good just hoping they all hatch.
When did you set your eggs? I set mine first thing in the morning, so I've been counting that day as day 1. From what I've been reading, others would call it day 0. So this little chick either hatched on day 20 or day 19.... It's brother/sister is already peeping, so I'm hoping for a pair tomorrow.

No wobbles yet? I haven't seen so much of a shiver from the two Friesians yet.
I set my eggs on the last day of June for 2 sets of eggs and the third set I set on the first so it's day 19 for the first 2 and day 18 for the last set. I think they say day 0 because you have to have had them in for 24 hours to count it as day one not sure though.
I am going to have an early hatcher too. One of my barn mix babies is pipped externally. I thought I heard chirping when I was in their earlier so I put my ear close to the incubator but didn't hear it again. Now One of the 10 barn mixes is pipped no others though. Not bad considering they are just day 19 right now. Keep your fingers crossed. I will take pictures once it gets a little further towards hatching.
Tay! That's great news! Come on, Little one, there's a whole exciting new world for you to discover.
My second one has pipped too and seems to have rolled about half a foot from where I left it last night... My first little fuzzybutt doesn't seem to be drying out, but she recognises my voice <3
*sigh* I'm smitten. I'm floating around on a cloud somewhere, with my little chick.

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