Setting eggs on Wednesday June 29

Hey folks,
Just came across this thread. I also set eggs on the 29th of June 9:07 A.M. This is my third time for incubating and my first two with shipped eggs weren't really good. The first time I had 6 eggs shipped from one breeder, 2 hatched. 14 eggs from another breeder, 4 hatched then I put 4 of my eggs in and 3 hatched. The second hatch, 17 one group and 13 another group from same breeder, 14 eggs from another breeder, 12 eggs from another breeder and 5 of my own BCM eggs. Bator number 1 had 14 Delaware eggs 7 hatched, 13 RIR eggs 7 hatched, 5 BCM eggs 4 hatched. Bator number 2 ( now you talk about stupid ) When I opened bator to remove turner and put into lock down, the turner was not plugged in so this bunch of eggs were never turned. Even though, 7 of the little RIR eggs hatched and are all doing fine (hatched 6/22) One had deformed feet and legs which I had to do away with.
This time, I set I ordered/set 14 Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks, I did not open bator until the 10 day to check a few of the eggs. Did not open bator again until Sunday morning which was day 18. Put them into lock down at that time. During the first 18 days, my humidity stayed great and temp stayed great also. After putting into lock down, my temp dropped to 96.6 and stayed there. I moved the bator over towards where my heat lamp is and the temp now is staying in the 99.1 to 99.6 so I feel pretty good now and humidity is staying between 71/73. Just about 30 minutes ago I was standing just staring at 14 eggs and listening to the humming of the fan motor and was ready to walk away and I heard a very strong PEEP. lol Shocked me about to death. Their due date is Wednesday morning but I'll let them go till Friday unless they all hatch before then. I added water in the troughs by using a drinking straw and the syringe from a needle. I kept my humidity between 50 and 60 during this incubation. I wasn't feeling very well about this hatch until I heard the PEEP since I've not had very good luck with shipped eggs.
If all goes well, I have enough of several breeds that I will not have to have eggs shipped in any more. I can use all my own from my own chickens.
Will post what goes on in the next few days.
I wish you all the best of luck with all your hatches. Sorry I didn't come across this thread sooner.
Welcome to the thread we are glad you could join us. 2/3 of my eggs are shipped as well this go around. One batch was 14 eggs and only 3 made it to lock down. So far they are doing nothing. Then 10 of 12 barn mix eggs one is pipped but no one else moving yet. Then 13 of 15 from a second batch of shipped made it to lock down but they are a day behind the other eggs so I don't expect them to start until tomorrow. I am trying to do the same thing. Start a group that I can hatch from so I can make my own barn mix meaties plus some purebred Dells as well. Hopefully this batch will have some good birdies in it.

Timed Out

The hole in my early bird egg is a little bigger and the birdie is definitely working the egg tonight. I couldn't sleep so up I got to check on them yet again lol. So far he/she is the only mover and shaker though Cmon babies we wanna see your pretty faces
YAY, Im so happy for you!
I, too, have some hatching right now! 1 piped yesterday (Monday) morning before I went out and I got home a couple of hours later to find another one had pipped!
This is my first time and I have been a nervous wreck the WHOLE time! I bought the turner for my incubator cause I thought to myself, "I dont want to be suck here turning eggs if we decide to go camping or something..." yeah...right! I couldnt go to the store without feeling like I was leaving a child home alone or something, lol. But anyways, I have 2 more pips...Im so excited! How many eggs are you hatching? I have 29 in my bator.
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I woke up to find chick No.2 couldn't wait any longer and is curled up next to chick No.1

Chick No.1 still has a bit of poop stuck to his head lol, but it stands up and can stay up now.

It sounds like we all have chicks that are anxious to face the world lol! It's quite thoughtful of them not to keep up waiting

Hi Jim & Matheson, the more the merrier! I woke up early yesterday morning and came to check on the eggs and thought I heard something, then suddenly I did! A loud peeping from inside the shell. I yelled for my OH to come quick. He came staggering out of bed thinking there was some sort of emergency lol. It was! A happy emergency!
I sat there answering it's peeps all day lol

Still nothing so much as a wobble from the Friesians. I hope they're still in the race, albeit not due until Wednesday/Thursday (depending who you ask). A wobble WOULD be reassuring!
Up to four now pipping. Nothing yet from the shipped eggs only the ones that came from here. I hope at least one hatches. I should start seeing some pipping in my last shipped batch too today is their day 19. Keep sending the good vibes they seem to be working.
I've taken the two little Sebrights out and put them in the brooder. I had wanted to leave them in there to encourage the Friesians, but with the Friesians being so far from hatching and the humidity so high, the little 'uns would have been in there for at least another day and still wouldn't be fluffy.
A friesian wobbled a minute ago, so these vibes are working well

It shouldn't be too long now you have some pips. I found the second chick was out in a flash. At 3:15am I saw a pip, at 6:30am it was out! I wonder if it thinks the other chick is mummy or something... it keeps trying to either climb on top or get in underneath. I can see the first losing patience lol. Baby sisters, eh... What a pain!
I am hoping it will be soon. There is a lot of noise coming from the incubator but no real activity in the eggs. Granted it is only day 20 for them so they have more time. Maybe they thought that they out to finish developing before they leave the egg who knows lol.
Incubators were created to torture people. Here's a picture. The egg shell has fallen out but I see the membrane and it's not broken where the pip is. It's going to drive me crazy until it hatches.


The others are rocking and moving and they are all talking back and forth it's crazy.
Argh that's what I had. It drove me nuts. I didn't know if the membrane was too tough or why the chick hadn't made a hole, how was it breathing... Then another piece of chell shot across the incubator 6 hours later, so I relaxed a bit. I swear if I wasn't blonde, I'd be grey!

I can't tell if eggs are peeping anymore or if it's just the noisey pair in the brooder.

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