Setting eggs on Wednesday June 29

Yeah now it has a hole but I do see blood. I can also see beak though and it's moving a bit so I am just waiting. In the time it took me to post the pictures two of the others have zipped almost completely and are working on getting out but the poor little birdie is still working on it. It's been more than 12 hours and he's still working on it. Here come my gray hairs. Last hatch was better I was on vacation at the lake and only checked twice a day lol.
I don't have any pipping yet but here in my computer room I can hear them peeping in the next room. Is quite encouraging to hear them chattering to each other still in the shells. It's another 24 hours before they are really due to hatch.
I was just thinking of something last night. Don't know for sure if there is anything to this or not but I can remember back many moons ago of my dad (who was born in 1897) telling us that if there were heavy thunder storms while the old broody hens were setting that the hatch would not be good. I guess the hard thunder would kill the peeps in the eggs???????????? I do know that in my area, we have been having awful bad thunder lightning storms most of this spring/summer. I just wonder if there is anything to this. Some of those old stories are true and some not.
Anyway, the best of luck to you all.. Will post when anything happens on this end.
I have learned to stay away from the bator and let nature take it's course. I sure don't want to have a heart attack over a baby chicken. lol I can just see the doctors face if I'd try to explain that one. Geez.
Good luck all,
Let's hope that's not true because we had tons of thunder and lightning the last few days. Hopefully it will be like human babies and they will just all start hatching because of the storm. It works for humans right we always go into labor during the worst weather.

My update.

I have one that has finished hatching and is out but wet. The second one is still in the shell but still breathing. I can't see the blood anymore so I am hoping it was just fluid in the egg but i can see it's little beak and see it breathing. It must just be taking a break.

My slow early hatcher lol.

This one started and was done in under 30 minutes guess he wanted out bad.

5 more pips and the first baby is hollering up a storm so I am hoping it encourages the others to get out already.
That's great, I'm so happy for you Lily Hope they keep on popping out for you. I just received a trio of Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks a couple of hours ago so that is helping to keep my mind off the incubator. lol Anything helps. Oops, just heard a peep in the other room. Got to check it out. YES, got a pip in one egg. lol This is awful, never thought I'd get so eggcited over such a thing. Oh well, it always amazes me with all the miracles that our God has given us. By the way, the Silver Penciled Rocks are what I am hatching also.
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The others all did little pips and zips this one pushed the side out of the egg lol. Now it's sitting in the egg and taking a break. Hopefully it comes out soon.

Immyjay so glad you got a pip can't wait to see what kind of baby you get.
I'm joing this group. I set mine June 29th about 9:45am. The kids and I just got home for the day and I heard nothing. I have 6 Old English bantam eggs. This is my second try. My first I got 4 chicks out of 27 eggs.

My temp was hard to get back up after lockdown. I worried about them being too cold but I worried more about getting them up too high.
Well, first one jumped out about 4 P.M. 3 more pips 1 is better than nothing right??????????? No, I feel pretty good about this hatch. Don't know why but seems that everything seemed to go a little smoother. I'm really not worried about anything. I've bummed out so many times it doesn't bother me anymore. lol
Do you guys normally have chickens hatching on the 20th day? I feel like I'm the only one with nothing yet!

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