Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

Where do you live??? I have 2 splash Silkie babies that are SO CUTE and 4 whites that are due to hatch in 8 days
I'm hoping for a girl..... Did I mention I just set 24 mostly BBS silkies this morning? there were 3 Lavenders, 3 Blacks , 2 partridge, and 1 white.... so chances of more splashes are good :)

I'm in the upper portion of southern Missouri. If you know where Springfield MO is, I'm an hour and 1/2 north on the shores of Pomme de Terre Lake. The EE chick with the attached egg sack sadly didn't make it. The rest of the chicks are thriving. I mentioned I have a White female Silky & a male Black Silky. Also have a white male Showgirl. He's really getting full of himself!!
I'm in the upper portion of southern Missouri. If you know where Springfield MO is, I'm an hour and 1/2 north on the shores of Pomme de Terre Lake. The EE chick with the attached egg sack sadly didn't make it. The rest of the chicks are thriving. I mentioned I have a White female Silky & a male Black Silky. Also have a white male Showgirl. He's really getting full of himself!!
So sorry to hear about the little chick. That is the hardest part of hatching. Oh to bad you aren't closer..... But it sound pretty where you are. I am on day 14 with my 4 white silkie eggs so Wednesday is lockdown! And I'm on day 1 of my new eggs ... These are my last for awhile!!! I swear! :D
Well, we always thing we have enough and are going to quit incubating. But now....that the Showgirl is ready to be a Rooster, I'm thinking of putting him & my White Silky together in a coop and incubating her eggs! Trouble is she isn't a consistant layer. I'll get 2 - 4 eggs from her then she quits laying for a month. I think she'll like being w/just one other chicken her size.
So sorry to hear about the little chick. That is the hardest part of hatching.
Oh to bad you aren't closer..... But it sound pretty where you are. I am on day 14 with my 4 white silkie eggs so Wednesday is lockdown! And I'm on day 1 of my new eggs ... These are my last for awhile!!! I swear!

You're last "for a while." Hmmm... I think about 3 1/2 weeks is a while. By then your bator will be all cleaned out and looking lonely again.

Told you I was an enabler!

Seems like I'm the only one hear that doesn't have silkies. Hmmm... may have to get some just to fit in!
You're last "for a while." Hmmm... I think about 3 1/2 weeks is a while. By then your bator will be all cleaned out and looking lonely again.

Told you I was an enabler!

Seems like I'm the only one hear that doesn't have silkies. Hmmm... may have to get some just to fit in!

Not that I am an enabler
but here is a picture I took of one of my silkie chicks today ..... Such a POSER!!
How could you not want to add that too your collection? Don't you like how I call it a collection like you do with fine wine ....
It has nothing to do with being fertile.... Well maybe .... but unfortunately it is usually the Post Office that does a number on shipped eggs! I had 18 Lav Orps ... 4 broke in shipping out of 14 I set 2 developed but quit early and zero hatched .... I cracked some of the non starters open and found that they were fertile just got damaged in the mail
They say if you get 50% hatch rate from shipped eggs you are doing well..... Its tough to read about all these people having great success with shipped eggs cuz I often feel like such a failure!!

Oooooh thank you for the reaffirmation... I'm feeling as if I'm failing these wee babies. It makes me so sad to watch them not develop. I talk to them... I know... goofball. I turn them and ask them to grow.... I tell Smudge and Peckington (my two girls in the yard) that they'll have friends soon enough, but I just don't know. ***sigh***
Not that I am an enabler
but here is a picture I took of one of my silkie chicks today ..... Such a POSER!!
How could you not want to add that too your collection? Don't you like how I call it a collection like you do with fine wine ....

Maybe since we chat like this.... this one should be called Pinot?
Oooooh thank you for the reaffirmation... I'm feeling as if I'm failing these wee babies. It makes me so sad to watch them not develop. I talk to them... I know... goofball. I turn them and ask them to grow.... I tell Smudge and Peckington (my two girls in the yard) that they'll have friends soon enough, but I just don't know. ***sigh***

Jane how are they looking??? It is so frustrating when they do not develop! I am only on day 2 or 3 on my newest eggs but I am always afraid to candle! Some of these are really dark and since I wont be able to see inside of them, I will live in denial for weeks crossing my fingers they are full of baby chick. I have a bunch of chicks right now so if all else fails you are welcome to some of mine! I have silkies, bantam cochin x silkie & bantam cochin frizzle x silkie.... I hopefully will have some BBS Marans in 3 weeks as well as some more yep you guessed it silkies ...

I had a brilliant idea for a new brooder yesterday as my rubbermaid tub seemed awfully cramped.... and well I found this on Craigslist for $20 bucks!!!! The chicks are so HAPPY!

Why it took me so long to think of this I'll never know!!!

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