setting eggs tonight 6/23 anyone else???

YES The more the merrier
My eggs are cookin!..

12 blue/black/splash orpingtons (shipped eggs)
18 blue/black/splash ameraucanas (shipped eggs)
2 red leghorn X mutts (one is a double yolk)

The leghorn X mutt eggs are from one of my little red leghorn pullets who JUST started laying.. i was surprised she laid a double yolk egg.. not sure if they are even fertilized.. but I figured I needed a couple more to fill out the bator.. so figured the worst will happen is I will have to toss them day 10.. if they are fertile, the daddy would be a Jersey Giant X Rhode Island Red mix

I also got 15 easter egger chicks in the mail this morning.. cute little chubby faced babies!
Well I have 2 RIR's 2 Barred Rocks a silkie rooster and I believe a silkie hen, so I'm curious if any eggs will turn out fertile, and what the cross would be
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