Setting eggs tonight anyone else?(10-14-10) pics added


14 Years
Jun 17, 2010
Garner, nc
I got my first hacthing eggs today:weee, Standard Frizzle Cochins, and am setting them tonight. They arrived beautifully packaged and all intact. The post office even found them for me when I called this mornig and held them for me to pick up instead of trying to deliver them to am empty house like they did with my chicks this spring. I have had the bator going for 5 days now and it seems to have settled into a nice even temperture. I have had to change out my pan for water and now both thermometers agree on the humidity.

I am SO excited!!
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no, but i am getting my act together...maybe tomorrow; depends on how stable my bator temp is by then.

what are you going to do about having birds that can't go out in the cold for so long (until fully feathered)? that's the main thing i am not looking forward to. my family HATED having birds inside for a few weeks in summer...i am thinking it will be more like 8 now!
I am setting another batch. HOPE this one goes well...maybe my bad hatch streak is OVER
Maybe tomorrow for me! Incubator is lined out and ready to go. Just waiting for the eggs. I scored a roll-x off craigslist and it's holding perfect temps and humidity! The only hatch I've ever had was with a broody. This will be a new adventure for us.
I plan on having them inside for a while-read as long as DH will let them stay. I have a large wooden packing crate that I brought home from work that will become an outside brooder. This will be in a run-in shed out by the chicken coops so they will be sheltered from drafts. And I'm in NC. Still getting 70 degree days.
Ok, how do you keep from wanting to fuss with the bator? I did have to make a few adjustments to the thermostat. Once the eggs were in it was letting the temp get to 97 before kicking in.
This is only day three and I'm checking on it every 10 mins that I'm at home and thinking about it when I'm out. I have a pig pickin' for a friend's daughter that just came back from Iraq and I was supposed to camp out over night. No camping this time out.
Well I couldn't wait to candle on day 7 so I did it last night. Since I was nervous about handling too much, I did a quick look at each egg. All 12 appear to have started growing. I plan on looking again about day 10 to see if they are still moving along. Any one else?


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