Setting Feb 16, want to join in>Hatch-Along

How do you cull the babies?
oh man. I'm sorry. I don't know, I was just kind of checking for the same answer as one of my chicks has legs that aren't working right. I guess I'm going to try to tie them together and see if it can recover, but if not I will need the answer to this question as well.
Do a search and you'll find a lot of options. A lot of people will say cutting off the head is the fastest but I don't know if I could do that :(. All I know is don't put it in the freezer!

Well sad and happy news. Good news is Rose hatched at 4am and my subconscious mind woke me up just in time to watch her zip! Bad news is I'm pretty sure I've lost ALL of the cochins, and Si died last night after being pipped for 12+ hours. I looked at all of them, and Si I think had a defect. When I took him out he had a large air bubble on his neck, almost like he had an airleak inside his body somewhere. The cochins all ceased movement 24 hours ago. I did an eggtopsy on one and its head was facing downward and it had no room. When I did the other one I saw its aircell moving very slightly and saw a bit of bleeding so I wrapped it up and put it back. When I checked on it later it had passed and its shell was full of goop. Both of those chicks did not lose the required amount of weight before lockdown, so I did not expect them to hatch. The last one looks still inside its shell, but I'll leave it just because.

Malcolm has pipped internally, and I pipped externally for him on accident because I thought he was dead too (no movement). He had a moist paper towel wrapped around him and is responding to sound so hopefully he'll make it out on his own.

The last 5 are due tomorrow, so we'll see what happens.
post #7074 of 7082
47 minutes ago

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Ok, so we only have to worry about this little one. the other two quit.

I checked them out and they were small with huge egg sac still. I will never add eggs only all at once. but these guys were marked the 14th????
The one in the fluid the same. Fluid was yellow brown tint. very bloody at bottom and seemed as if the head was twisted??

Well this chick above I think I should just let it be and see iff it will pop out on its own when its ready. its still breathing though not peeping.

I would hate to help it out and the egg sac be there. humidity and temp are good. I have it moistened with the cocnut oil and a little castor oil just a tad because it has properties to kill fungus and some bacteria. I do not have antibiotic ointment sorry.
Any sugestions from looking at the pics?
Thanks for all your help!!
My house silkie Sparkle has TWO live chicks under her this morning. If the other three eggs don't hatch, thats okay, but since today is Day 21, maybe some more will still hatch.

I put mixed flock banty eggs under her so she wouldn't be overwhelmed by huge chicks from any of my LF eggs.

I have to set shipped eggs in an incubator today for the Easter Hatch, but I am too enthralled with Miss Sarkle and her chicks in the brooder bin to concentrate on that task right now.
I'm a mama! LOL I set 18 Australorp eggs in the pm on Feb 17th. This is the first time I have ever hatched eggs and the first time I have even had chickens in years! I woke up this morning and I thought I heard a bird outside my bedroom window that sure did sound a lot like a baby chick. After I finished breakfast I was checking out the eggs there in the kitchen and holy moly, a baby and it's early!!! lol Boy I'd love to get it out now ...but I'll wait the 24 hrs. :( Not having any idea what I was doing, I was really afraid I had killed them all long before now. lol A couple others have pipped so maybe, just maybe I'll have good luck. This is so cool. :)

No doubt I have had a huge dose of beginners luck or just maybe it was God having mercy on somebody that didn't know what they were doing. LOL I set 18 eggs and so far 13 have hatched and doing great. I'm using a still air LG incubator with no auto turner. I had a hard time getting the temperature just right so I finally settled on 101-102 'F. About week two the temperature started creeping up a little so instead of dare mess with that dang post again, I cracked the windows open just a little. Humidity? I have no idea, didn't have anything to check it with. I am well pleased and thankful to God Almighty who designed these little chirping miracles. Totally awesome! :)
I think I had some beginner luck last time. I set 10 and hatched 8. This time I set 30, 20 went into lockdown and so far I"ve had 9 hatch, 7 living including the sickly one. I had 2 that had pipped but I think they quit cause last night they quit peeping and no movement. It's so hard cause I wanted to help them but I didn't want to interfere too early. 8 eggs are still in the bator waiting to see what they do. Today's only day 21 so we'll see.
Well, my hatch is done

Final Count!
11 buckeyes
1 Faverolles
1 Light Sussex

Also added a few day old chicks from my feed store to the brood, 2 RSL, 1 BSL, and 1 California Grey
All pullets. Lots of egg layers this year!
Will get pictures ASAP! I have some from earlier today but they've dried off more since then

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