setting some eggs tonight (firstt time) *update, hatch!* w/ pics


9 Years
Jul 12, 2010
blanchard, louisiana
I borrowed a hova bator from my uncle and I have it set at 101 degrees. I set 45 eggs in it tonight which will results in some pretty interesting chicks. I have silkies, cochins, buff o's, a frizzled cochin, rosecombs, ee, jap roosters, a huge mixed too, and a rir rooster.

I put an x on one side of the eggs and an o on the other. I'll turn them two times a day (6 am and 9 pm). Wish me luck on the first time!
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it can be so exciteing...but the 21 day wait seems like FOREVER!!!!! LOL I have my first batch for my new incubator going to lockdown FINALLY later this week. I hope this new bator improves my hatch rate. Hopefully yours will do well and you will have a hatching party in 3 weeks.
I set my eggs last night. I filled that thing up. 42 eggs. Not a hole left in the turner.
I'm hatching Barred Rock - EE mixes and Salmon Faverolles and I have 1 Cuckoo Maran egg in there. She spit one out for me yesterday so I threw it in there. SO VERY EXCITED. This is my 2nd incubator hatch. Last hatch was on February and I hatched 20 out of 28 eggs set. Lost one chick at 3 days due to splay leg. I hoping to get about the same hatch rate this time. 2/3 hatched. I plan on doing a little more candling and removing any bad ones earlier on instead of letting them continue to incubate.

Good Luck on your 1st time and keep us posted.
I candled the eggs this evening and it promices to be a pretty good hatch all but one are fertile and developing (although 1 is questionable, but i think i might have seen veins).
out of 50 chicken eggs and 1 duck egg, 49 are developing and kicking around in the egg and the duck egg is also developing. i have 10 more days left and i cant wait to see the results of my mixed flock!

How do you guys wait? I cant hardly stand it.
Thursday, Day 17: eggs moving alot! can also hear some peeping.

Friday, day 18: AM- they are rolling around so i straighted them out super quickly and left for school

PM- several pips, then i left to go to a freinds house to stay the night because we had to go to school at 6 Saturday morning for the state literary rally (a big smart compitition in Natchitoches)

Saturday, Day 19: About 5 o clock- 10 chicks out so far and several on the way!

The humidity was way to high so i cracked the bator and took out the hatched chicks and put them in a box with heat lamp to finish drying. the humidity is jst a little high now but i dont want to open the bator on fear of making it get to low.

This week end has been very eventfull!

The hatched chicks are mainly silkie mixes and cochin mixes so far. They are super active!

And i guess chicks dont keep calanders because these dont seem to notice that it is only day 19.
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