setting tonight/tomorrow 5/20-5/21/15


May 11, 2015
I'll be starting my second set tonight or tomorrow. I'll be setting 41 eggs. Things I learned from the first hatch

2. Get that humidity up during lock down!
3. You can candle at 72 hours but probably shouldn't unless you really know what you're looking for. I almost threw all mine out cause I saw nothing! But about 95% were fertilized.
4. The darker the shell the harder to see anything when you candle.
5. RELAX!!
I think this is the first hatch-a-long that I'm joining on time! This will also be my second hatch! I'm setting 15 mixed silkie eggs, shipped from several states away. I had to run out and buy an LG still air, because my brinsea mini only holds 10. I think I will set half tonight. And the other half in the morning, after the LG regulates. I learned all about air cells. I couldn't even find them when I got my very first eggs. Also doing low humidity (35%) incubation (days 1-18) and high humidity (75%) lockdown. It worked well last time, so lots of fine tuning this time. Best of luck to everyone!
I let my little one and her cousin each pick two eggs and wrote their names on them and told them those are their chickens. They love the idea!
I let my little one and her cousin each pick two eggs and wrote their names on them and told them those are their chickens. They love the idea!
I have 3 little boys and we did the same but we waited till lockdown, so I knew the eggs were viable! It worked great. All theirs hatched and mine didnt...I was just happy that their eggs made it! And it worked out good because right from the beginning they knew who's was who's and the names of their chicks! Side note: all my eggs are officially set!! Yay!! :)
I set 41 eggs last night! Anxious to see what happens! I have the LG 11300 and this will be our first big attempt with it! Hoping and praying we have a successful hatch, my daughters are 2 and 5 and are so excited for baby chicks!
Welcome! And good luck! My daughter is 3 and her cousin is 6 and they loved watching our first hatch on Monday. This is our second hatch.
I set 148 last night. EE's, Blue Orpingtons, and Mixed Bantam's. I also grabbed about a dozen pheasants from a buddy and started them last night as well. Tonight I will be adding a little over 4 dozen Sex Links.

Good luck.
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Candled two of my white eggs tonight and definitely showing promise! How's everyone else's doing?
Candled two of my white eggs tonight and definitely showing promise! How's everyone else's doing?
I'm working with shipped eggs and I swore this time I would leave them up right in cartons and not even look at them for 5 days! Well tomorrow is day 5 and I'm dying to candle them!! So I'm either going to check them tomorrow night or Tuesday morning. Last time by day 5 I could see the black eye and movement, so I'm super excited to check them!! Day 7, I'll do an official candle and mark air cells, but I'm definately gonna take a peak! I'm happy yours are starting!

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