Several Questions...some probably ignorant


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 5, 2007
I have inherited a small flock of four Bantams. A white silkie roo 1.5yrs, a White Sultan about 7mths old a polish/silkiex 7 mths and a Golden Lace Polish hen 1.5 yrs. The Polish hasnt laid since I got her which was almost three weeks ago. The hen was laying with the original owner as she incubated eggs from her. Why is she not laying now? Any thoughts? How reliable are Polish for eggs? Ive read not very. What about the White Sultan do they lay consistently? What are the chances of getting any fertilized eggs from the Sultan once she lays. Do Sultans go broody? I know nothing about the goings on of a Roo lol. He has covered hens before, The woman I got her from said hes actually a very good dad. He fusses over babies. But Im not sure if crossing breeds of chickens can carry any genetic risks.
I also picked up two 7mth old and one 4/5 mth old EE hens over the weekend. Yes i have quite the Motley Crew. Will a silkie cover a larger breed chicken? Or are Roos not so discriminate lol. He was definitely exhibiting when I introduced them. He would do this funny little shuffle dance around one. Not sure if he was just showing whose boss or if he was making advances. Nobody squatted so he lost interest.
Im guessing other than the Polish Hen who refuses to lay since moving here the others aren't ready yet anyway. Im just curious. Should I just collect eggs and not try to hatch any? I thought it would be fun to try a couple. Im fairly new to chickens had a flock of five years ago but never had a rooster or special breeds like I have now. Thanks ahead for any ideas or advice.
Ok so I read some more on this wonderful site and found that you can cross silkies with sultans. I said one of my questions was ignorant lol. So maybe Ill give that a try.
My only concern is my Polish hen who isnt laying. Like I said Ive only had her three weeks so could that affect her laying? They are also staying in a large tractor during the day/free ranging when Im home then at night they sleep indoors in a large crate. We are almost finished with their coop and pen. So she doesnt technically have a place to lay. Im guessing that all figures into it. Any other ideas? I just hope she doesnt have something wrong. She is eating great, super bossy with the others. So she she seems fine.
I'm no breeds expert but Polish are not known for great laying proclivities, from what I've heard. If she seems in good health I wouldn't worry. Moving house can throw them off the lay, but she may also have been entering her broody period when disrupted, and broken off the brood but not gone right back into laying, or she might be entering moult... Could be a few things. Best wishes.
Hens that have been moved into new quarters will stop laying until they adapt. However, if you live in the northern hemisphere, fall is normally the time for chickens to molt. While they grow new feathers, they usually don't lay until their outfit is complete.
Thank you both for your response. I felt that was the issue,just wanted to be sure.

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