Severe Cross Beak


9 Years
Aug 2, 2010
I can't believe this is my first post on this forum! I have been reading here since I first started researching chickens and I found this has been the very best place for information.

In any case, I have a 3 month old sweet EE with a pretty severe cross beak. I only got her a little over a week ago and she was living with other birds in a horse stall (no special provisions).
At first I was hopeful that with some special TLC she could thrive, but I'm getting worried. She will eat a really soupy mash when I hold the bowl for her up off the ground, and is definitely drinking. But, she seems weak and when I tried to feel her crop yesterday I realized that she is indeed really thin. She "looks" beautiful and healthy, but I'm concerned that she may be suffering. Actually - yesterday I noticed she was rubbing her beak on the ground over and over. She didn't stop when I walked over and picked her up. A friend today mentioned that it could be painful for her, and honestly that was the first time I had considered it could hurt. Could it?
I have been obsessed with getting her to eat and drink enough.
She has adjusted well to the flock and no one is picking on her. Right now I am bringing her inside for a few hours a day to just eat and rest, but she roosts with the big girls at night.
I've been reading different ideas on cross beaks, some do fine and some cull right away I know. I have no problems giving her extra care - I just don't want her suffering.
:::sigh::: Well - I'd love to hear other's thoughts. I'm posting a pic of her below.
Thank you so much for any insight (and the years of wisdom I've already gotten from this awesome forum!) If anyone knows of other methods of care (getting food into her) that I should try...or could a vet help?

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Wow, she is bad compared to the hen I had. Mine was bad and could not eat anymore so I brought her to the vet. She got the beak trimmed up and filed down so she could hold the food. She was very uncomfortable before I brought her in. She would rub her face all the time. After the first trim she gained a bit of weight and about 8 weeks later I was able to file it down my self. She lived here about 2 years and a coyote got her. She never had a perfect beak but it didnt matter to me. Good luck!

My husband says no problem. Just needs to be trimmed. If you dont, She may loose weight, become malnurished and die. I agree about the fileing thing. Id use a beak trimmer, cigar cutter, or puppy toenail trimmer. you may even find one of those electric fingernail files with a very soft file. It will feel strange for her for a while, but the feeling is nothing compared to starving to death.
We needed to put Edwina down this morning :*(
Thank you for the support and information.
It's usually best at the first sign of cross beak to trim it and try to even it out. This is a bright and shining star of an example of why it is so
important to take control of the situation at first sign. Unfortunately, this beautiful creature could not be helped and by no fault of the owner, but rather a malformity from birth I presume. Message to all bird owners: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, remember how serious and fatal this condition can be if untreated. Sometimes it is just too late to help the bird and attempting to fix it may make it worse. Catch it early!

I feel bad your bird has to be put down. I wish things could have gone better for all of you. Just remember we are always here to help you when you are in need. God Bless!

I am wondering if there was ever a survey conducted on cross beaks and the breeds that get them. I have been noticing in a lot of posts that is seems to be the EE's that suffer the most with this. Is there a way to start a thread on BYC to cunduct such a survey like the one they have for chicken agressive dog breeds, etc...?? I know the 3 times I had chicks with cross beaks, they were EE's also, but I do have a silver seabrite with one and she is over a year old and eats fine as long as the dish is deep.

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