Severe sinus infection, what can I do? Been to Dr three times already!

When we lived in KS and NE I too was a multi-sinus-infection per year sufferer. It's much better now that I'm in AZ. A big part of my problem has always been that I snore and that causes the congestion to get dried up and packed to my sinus and bronchial passages

The neti-pot is EXCELLENT. It is a really gentle way to clear out your sinuses. When you first use it, if you bend way over the saline solution will run in one nostril and out the other without running down your throat and choking you. Once you get used to that and a bit braver you can tilt your head back further to get to the 'touchy' areas where you can (excuse the mental image) cough and choke a bit to get rid of the buildup back there.

Sadly, though, there's a certain point where I, at least, Can Not get better without antibiotics. I have gone for 4-5 weeks just feeling, if not deathly ill...definitely 'punk' (my grandma's phrase). You know that specific sensation when the problem is actually the infection and not just the sinus pressure. If that's not going away for a week or more, it's not going away. Because I have tried EVERYTHING.
I haven't read all the posts so if I am imitating someone I'm sorry. Most of the pain in a sinus infection is caused by the swelling of the sinus tissues/turbinates. You have to get the swelling down to help clear out the infection. A strong decongestant and a steroid with a good Z pack antibiotic is what my Dr. gave me last month and after having a bad infection and sinusitis since Sept. I am finally getting some relief. I posted a pic of my swollen face and sinuses on my thread about it to show just how bad it had gotten. I'm on my third Z pack of antibiotics and it's working very well now, I'm off the steroids but still on the decongestant.
The prescriptions were these:
Antibiotics: Z pack Azithromycin 250 mg
Decongestant: Norel SR
Steroid: Prednisone 20mg

I have a lot of trouble with drugs and these were great for me. With the stainless steel plates around my face/sinus area the infection and swollen tissues caused me a lot of misery. I hope you get some relief.
See I had a Neti pot and I never could get that in one nostril out the other thing to happen. I always managed to accidentally do the "advanced techniques"
and since I can essentially drink water through my nose in the shower I figured what the heck am I splattering saline all over the place attempting to do almost the same thing??? SO I just clean my sinuses in the shower.
I was so hopeful, but eh, Neti Pots aren't the answer for everyone.

Do you take vitamin C?? I really swear by Emergen-C in the fizzy drink packets. It's nasty tasting IMO, but it does wonders for your body!!! That stuff I can almost promise will be good for anyone
I had chronic sinusitis for years, and didn't even notice that when I started going to the chiropractor and getting adjusted for other things, my sinus trouble went away. . .I was on heavy duty antibiotics and it never completely went away until I got my spine back in alignment.
This thread is helpful for me because I've had sinus infections on and off since March. I've been to a doctor four times because of it >_< Currently I'm taking like three things for it. I'm taking Clariton-D during the day, Fluticisone (generic for Floinase) morning and night, and Singulair at night. It helps, but it's been more of a bandaid because the infection keeps coming back.
Kind of a random thought... and you guys will definitely think I've lost it... but for instant relief, I've noticed that if I jump up and down (I don't have to jump WAY up in the air) my sinuses will clear up for anywhere from a moment to a little while. I don't know if it's the light cardio or gravity - probably the latter, or maybe a mix of both??

DH always stares at me in disbelief if he catches me doing this - you know, the look of...
. Ok, you guys can say it - I'm nuts.
Has anyone suggested the old stand by of Vicks Vapor Rub? In desperation I have been known to smear it on my nose and cheek bones and cover my face with a very warm wet washcloth.
Just keep your eyes closed!

Have some horseradish. Get a new bottle of plain 'white' horseradish, buy some kielbasa, and have some lunch. Good for what ails you.

DISCLAIMER: Brand spankin' new horseradish is INCREDIBLY strong- be ready to clean up gunk from the opposite wall of your kitchen.

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