Severly emaciated and anemic roo. WWYD?


7 Years
Oct 25, 2012
We have a Serama roo who is literally skin and bones. His comb and wattles are pretty much white with maybe a hint of color. Has mites, lice, intestinal parasites (probably) and what looks like fowl pox.

Somehow he's still reasonably alert and interested in eating. Very weak and shaky though.

I've given him food and water, and got some red cell into him this morning. All I've done so far is a DE dusting and put him under a heat lamp. I don't know much about deworming chickens, but I have horse stuff, (ivermectin 1.55%) if someone can help with the dosages and when it's safe to give. He weighs about 8 oz, but looks like he should be twice that at least.

Is there anything else I can do for this guy? Thanks
We have a Serama roo who is literally skin and bones. His comb and wattles are pretty much white with maybe a hint of color. Has mites, lice, intestinal parasites (probably) and what looks like fowl pox.
Somehow he's still reasonably alert and interested in eating. Very weak and shaky though.
I've given him food and water, and got some red cell into him this morning. All I've done so far is a DE dusting and put him under a heat lamp. I don't know much about deworming chickens, but I have horse stuff, (ivermectin 1.55%) if someone can help with the dosages and when it's safe to give. He weighs about 8 oz, but looks like he should be twice that at least.
Is there anything else I can do for this guy? Thanks
First, I would bring him inside and still give him access to a heat lamp as long as he's able to move away from it. If not, you should find another way to keep him warm enough. Of course he would have access to food, water and treats.

Next I would do a thorough exam, weigh him (I use a digital kitchen scale) and check for lumps, buts, cuts, etc.

I f not cuts were present, I would dust for lice and mites with poultry dust. DE won't work. This is what I use:

I would not attempt to worm him with a horse wormer as its way to hard to get the right dose for one his size. I would worm him with Safeguard liquid wormer for goats at the rate of .5 cc/1kg. I would use a 1cc syringe with the right amount for his weight and put it down his esophagus. This link shows how:

Depending on how he was eating/drinking, I might give sub-q fluids and/or tube feed him. I'm not suggesting that you do this as it's very easy to kill a bird this way. But this is how tube feeding is done:

You might find these useful:

You asked what I would do, well that's where I would start.
I dont recommend dosing your Serama with ivermectin equine paste nor any other ivomec product including eprinex. They would be too harsh on his already weakened system, and possibly kill him. Valbazen liquid cattle/sheep wormer would be your safest. Give him an initial dose of 1/8cc (for his weight) orally undiluted. Then repeat dosing him again in 10 days, same dosage. Provide him probiotics after worming each time, a mixture of buttermilk and scrambled egg will work.
Quote: But 1/8cc would be for an 8 ounce bird, right? And half that for a 4 ounce bird?
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