sex-link cochins?


14 Years
May 5, 2010
Escondido, CA
About a month ago I bought three 4-week-old Cochin chicks. It was at a chicken swap meet. The woman who sold them to me told me they were definitely sorry, all pullets. As I was not familiar with any breeds other than Seramas, I figured there is some easy way to know the sex of Cochins that early.
Anyway, a little bit later my 2 black ones started getting really "frizzled". Plus one is almost all black, the other one is starting to get white speckles. They both have small pale pink-ish combs. My white one is smaller, smooth, and has a smaller, paler comb.
I tried to get pictures but they never stop moving...
Is there a way to tell young Cochin pullets from cockerals? Do frizzle cochin pullets and cockerals have different telltale signs than smooth ones? I am working on pictures. They are about 10 weeks old
Can try posting pictures in the breed and gender section. Have someone hold the chicks or put them on something totally alien to them that gives them pause.

They are sexed same as other chickens- by comb/wattle size/color plus general appearance.

Certain colors or patterns can be used for sex linked matings- example a black rooster bred with a barred hen will give all barred sons, and solid black daughters. That might be what the seller was trying to say, but quite often people get the pairing wrong- for example, a barred rooster over black hens will not give sex linked chicks.

The white speckles is just too ambiguous,, could be mottle(white tips) which has nothing to do with sex or could be a weak expression of barring. This is where pictures would really help.

There is no way to produce sex linked whites though.
My black frizzled cochin chickens are now developing light brown tips on some of their feathers. Does this breed start out one color and then completely change?
Still working on pictures (sorry!)
Trying to sex most breeds, including Cochins, without pics is a bit like shooting in the dark. If you can get some pics of your birds posted, we'd be happy to take a look at them for you. :eek:)
Are these pictures okay?

Any idea what the end product will be?
They are really funny; they look like alien chickens, but watching them play together is really entertaining.
One last thing... Roos or Hens?

Are these pictures okay?

Any idea what the end product will be?
They are really funny; they look like alien chickens, but watching them play together is really entertaining.
One last thing... Roos or Hens?
Given the size and redness of their combs and wattles at that age, they are all cockerels. :eek:(

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