Sex- linked Information

Great Stuff dheltzel-Thanks!-I'll let you know in two months how things turn out. One more quick question. The RR-R I have in Pen 2 is a very nice very dark Male. He was the one I kept from 4 RR-R. The other RR-Rs were production RR as they were very light in color. I also have 3 RR-H in pen 2 to keep the RR's going. I believe the hens are also production RR as they are light in color. How do I get my females darker?
The fastest way would be to buy some heritage RIR eggs or chicks and use them. Crossing to a good roo should help, but you will likely be several generations of intense selection to get even close to what you are hoping for. This is a classic case where someone else has done the work for cheap compared to what you will need to do.
The fastest way would be to buy some heritage RIR eggs or chicks and use them. Crossing to a good roo should help, but you will likely be several generations of intense selection to get even close to what you are hoping for. This is a classic case where someone else has done the work for cheap compared to what you will need to do.

Again Thanks-Looks like a lot of work ahead -thank God for Retirement!!
The feed store was selling straight run red sex links (Isa Browns) and I bought a few. Because they were straight run, they wouldn't let me buy 4 red ones. We compromised and I ended up with 2 red pullets and 2 chicks that were darker than the males and lighter than the females. I figured my odds were slightly better than if I just got the white chicks. Any idea if these two are male or female? If I just have to wait for them to feather out, that's fine too. I'm just curious about others' experiences with ambiguous red sex links. I have not had these before. I usually get BSL. :)

Chicks in question are back left and bottom middle. Large white chick in the middle is CX.
RSL pullet in the back right.
The feed store was selling straight run red sex links (Isa Browns) and I bought a few. Because they were straight run, they wouldn't let me buy 4 red ones. We compromised and I ended up with 2 red pullets and 2 chicks that were darker than the males and lighter than the females. I figured my odds were slightly better than if I just got the white chicks. Any idea if these two are male or female? If I just have to wait for them to feather out, that's fine too. I'm just curious about others' experiences with ambiguous red sex links. I have not had these before. I usually get BSL.

Chicks in question are back left and bottom middle. Large white chick in the middle is CX.
RSL pullet in the back right.
Here are some Red Sex-Link chicks. The white ones are the males and the buff color are the females. There are some Rhode Island Reds in there too, They are the darker chicks.

These are ISA Brown female chicks.

More ISA Brown female chicks.
Comet, star, and such are just marketing names. They really don’t mean much, other than they should be sex links. Comets or stars could be black or red sex links. I guess technically yours are are “All Henned Up’s Red Sex Links” but if you want to come up with a cute name for them you can. After all they are yours.

The Delaware hen is a fun one to use because she is barred. The chicks will be red sex links and you can easily tell the males and females apart, but when they feather out the males will be barred. You can’t see the spot on the down from the RIR/Delaware cross so technically they are not black ex links but if you use a black rooster like a Black Australorp over her you will get black sex links.

Good luck with it. You should get a good cross, whatever you decide to call them.

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