Sex- linked Information

There are two requirements for sex links. You have to have dominant-recessive genes set up in a way that the male chicks get a dominant sex linked gene from their mother and the pullets get a recessive gene from their father. With sex linked genes, males have two copies but females only have one.

The other requirement is that you have to be able to see the difference the dominant-recessive genes make in the down. That’s why Black Copper Marans make a poor choice for red sex links. You generally can’t see the difference in red or white because the chick has basically black down. When they feather out you should be able to see it, but not in the down.

He’s not listed in Tadkerson’s Black sex link chart (the second one), but your Black Copper Marans should make Black Sex links with the Delaware and Cuckoo hens. Junebuggena would know how easy it is to see the spot better than I would.
Think about what color Black Copper Marans are at hatch. They are black. You can't see silver or gold base color on a chick with black down. It's not until they are feathered in that you can see the color in the neck feathers.
silly me. But as they feather in it does become clear? I am only continuing to press this because I hold on to my chicks until about 5 weeks anyway so if I can tell sex for sure anytime before then it will still be a plus. Thanks for your patience.
so if I have my light sussex HEN got mated by a marans rooster is that marans(black copper ) a black sexlink and are the chicks : males white and females black ??

I am going to have to read this every day I'm worried but ..
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so if I have my light sussex HEN got mated by a marans rooster is that marans(black copper ) a black sexlink and are the chicks :  males white and females black ?? :idunno
I am going to have to read this every day I'm worried but .. :goodpost:  

You confused me when you mentioned black sex link. Black sex linked is tied to barring. With black sex links the males have a spot on their head, the females do not. It is not a case of males white and females black. Neither Light Sussex nor Black Copper Marans have barring, so black sex link is not a part of this conversation.

Red sex links are probably what you are thinking about. If the hen has silver and the male has gold, you can get red sex links. The males are born with white down and the females with reddish down. The Light Sussex hen has silver and the Black Copper Marans has gold, but there is a problem. All the chicks are going to be hatched with almost all black down. It’s possible there might be a small spot on the throat where you can see the difference in down color, but it may not be large enough to actually see. If you have some of each to compare side by side you might be able to see it, but you might not.

Black Copper Marans are based on Birchen and Birchen is not a good choice for red sex links.
Instead of barring, can penciling be used? For example, this last time I use my barred rock hens with my Welsummer roos, and got the identifiable white spot on the male offspring. Solid black female. Soon, I will be getting two penciled rock pullets. When bred to the same Welsummer roos, will they produce sex links?

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