sex-linked silkie?


12 Years
Apr 15, 2007
Creedmoor, NC
Has anyone ever bred this? How would one go about it. Aren't there cuckoo silkies? What if you bred a cuckoo to a red or black or something? What would happen?
I think the "problem" en lies that people want pure colored silkies though to breed from. But as long as the cuckoo gene is like that barred gene, it should work out just fine.
I understand the wanting pure-colored silkies. I was just thinking there are a lot of people on this board that want pet silkies and can only have hens/pullets. My friend is in this situation, and we are having the problem that we have no idea what sex a chick is until he/she is 5-6 months old and either crows or starts laying!
I have a little cackoo silkie and its mom is the same the dad is white so in about 3 months i will let you know what it is LOL
I thought the "black" and "white" genes can hide other genes really well which is why they use buff/red roos in sexlinks? Am I wrong at that? I guess they do use RIR whites in some sexlinks.
Use a black roo x cuckoo hen.

Cuckoo is just the sex linked barring on a black chicken. It's not a specific color.. So if you use a good black roo, you will get black hens and roosters with a single copy of the barring. And you can sell the blacks as pure blacks. Everybody's happy.

Haven't looked them up to make sure, the other sex linked mating of using a RIR rooster over a white hen etc probably are using sex linked silver in the white hens. Silver is just one of the many genes used to clean up a white bird(whether it is dominant white or recessive white).

Red/gold rooster x silver hen= red/gold pullets and silver cockerels. Throw in dominant white, the red pullets get white tails and spots on necks.. and the cockerels are quite light colored all over.

Almost all chickens that are black and white are silver based. For example, Light Brahmas are silver. So a RIR x Light brahma hen would be a sex linked mating also.
Sex-linked barring B - Barring, cuckoo barring. Dominant. Causes white barring pattern in red and black, sometimes used as a black inhibitor, most notably in Leghorns. Cuckoo barring is also an inhibitor of tissue pigmentation and is responsible for the yellow shanks of Barred Rocks. Shanks of females can be darker. Barring shows a distinct dosage effect. B/B gives wider bars than heterozygotes have. Incorporation of the slow feathering gene results in a cleaner, more sharply defined barring.

b+ - Recessive wild-type gene. An allele of the sex-linked barring locus. Lack of barring.

Sex-linked dilution BSd -Females that are hemizygous for BSd (having one BSd gene) have light blue and barred plumage as do the heterozygous males, however, homozygous males show a dosage effect and are essentially white. These homozygous males resemble dominant whites but differ in that they are epistatic to pheomelanin while dominant white is not.

comments- Sex-linked barring, B, sex-linked dilution, BSd and the wild-type, b+ are alleles of the same locus. The order of dominance is BSd > B > b+.

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