Sex linked white egg layer?


9 Years
Jun 28, 2010
I notice Ideal carries red leghorns and a 'production black', which is a black barred, white egg laying bird... I was wondering if I'd be able to produce a sex linked white egg laying bird by crossing the two?
I don't plan on using white leghorns. I plan on using a RED leghorn and a 'production black' which is a black barred (like a barred rock), white egg laying bird.
ah.. I see.. then still no. production Black hens are made by using a barred hen over a black roo.. making the hens black and the roos barred.. unless you use a barred hen
If you cross a Red Leghorn over a ''Production Black" (Barred Leghorn) or even a Barred Holland they should be Sex-Linked, other Roosters you can use are Black Minorca, Buff Minorca, Buff Leghorn, Brown Leghorn, or White Faced Black Spanish just to name a few.

chris i thought it had to be a gold rooster not a black... just curious to know?
ah.. I see.. then still no. production Black hens are made by using a barred hen over a black roo.. making the hens black and the roos barred.. unless you use a barred hen

Ideals Production Blacks are basically a barred leghorn and they breed true, roosters and hens are Barred so they should work.

Most any color Male over a Barred Hen will produce Black Sex-link offspring.
The only time you need a Gold Male is when you are producing Red Sex-link offspring then you would breed Gold Male over a Silver Hen.

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Fascinating - I wonder why hatcheries don't produce sex linked white egg layers?

And yes, the production black from Ideal is supposedly a true-breeding barred bird - not a crossbred bird.
Most any color Male over a Barred Hen will produce Black Sex-link offspring.
The only time you need a Gold Male is when you are producing Red Sex-link offspring then you would breed Gold Male over a Silver Hen.


So then a BCM cock over BR hens would work? I've played with this idea to produce BSLs that lay a darker egg. I have an extra BCM male from a batch of chicks I hatched this past spring, and the pullets are now laying eggs so dark they are almost purple! I'd love to justify (to the DH) keeping an extra roo "just in case," and if he were producing BSLs, which the DH adores, that would do it!!
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