Sexing 10/11 Week Pekin Bantams


10 Years
Aug 19, 2013

Rocky (black and white) is safe to say a roo! I'm not sure about Tumble (Gold), though. They are the same age but Tumble's legs and stature are much shorter. Any thoughts would be really appreciated!
Yes, agreed, they are both cockerels. The reason you're seeing a size difference between them is that Rocky is not a pure Pekin bantam. That's also why he has a small crest and a very different comb from Tumble.
They are both cockerels.
Tumble is just a bit slower developing, and a slightly different shape. But he has pointed/darker male saddle feathers coming in, at that comb is too red for any pullet at that age.
Thanks everyone, I suspected this may be the case but it doesn't matter 😊 they're little characters!

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