Sexing a SLW


8 Years
Jul 2, 2011
IN corn state
I have 2 SLW one looks so much different then the other. One has a skinny looking rose cob and the other is wider. I used to have a GLW chick who was supposed to be a pullet, turned into a roo, he had a wide cob as well. So anyone who deals with Wyanndotte's more then i have, since this is really my first time with the silver ones. And only had that one GLW, any ideas? I really think its a roo. Last to feather out. wide cob.

Yeah picture taking skills kind of suck. ^.^ lol

This one is a bit better. Dime is 5 weeks old by the way. Any ideas? Might be too early i know. But worth a shot.

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